Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [prep] a [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A follow-up meeting between the movement and the king never materialised , and after the two clashes on the border King Hassan has called off a second meeting .
2 Article 36 bis spelled out that the basis for a member State of an organisation becoming bound to a third party with respect to a treaty concluded by the organisation was its express agreement .
3 The second wave of Trusts has become like a second hand car sale .
4 KnowledgeWare Inc , Atlanta warns that it expects to report non-recurring charges of $20m for its fiscal third quarter to March 31 from acquisitions and restructuring and expansion of product lines , and that this will lead to a loss for the quarter and for the year ; it also says that lower revenues combined with operating costs associated with the acquisitions are expected to contribute to a third quarter operating loss ; it looks for growth in European revenues .
5 Such is the case of an innocent person into whose pocket a thief , in order to escape detection , inserts a purse which he has stolen from a third person .
6 Tests of the head do not definitely identify its age and Oxford has asked for a second sample .
7 ( 5 ) Where any property transferred under an agreement to which this section applies has passed to a third party the references to that property in subsections ( 1 ) , ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) above shall be construed as references to its value at the time of its transfer under the agreement .
8 Under Article 37 , an obligation that has arisen for a third party can not be revoked or modified without the consent of the parties and the third party unless they have agreed otherwise .
9 He 'd fallen from a second floor window .
10 If you have been unemployed for a while seek retraining as a first step to a new , positive attitude .
11 As we saw in chapter 12 , there is another quite different intellectual reason for wanting to control for a third factor when assessing the relationship between two variables .
12 Radio cassettes worth £325 and £80 were taken from two cars in Benton Close , and an attempt was made to get into a third car in the street .
13 The second question concerns the care referred to in section 31(2) ( b ) ( i ) , namely , whether the care can refer to care by a third party , in this case a grandmother , who is offering to take over the care of the child .
14 To see this , imagine repeating for a second country the process just described for the first .
15 They 'd all gone to bed the night before when I 'd returned from a last noggin with Harry .
16 Article 38 is the only specified exception , for it preserves the position that a rule set forth in a treaty can become binding upon a third party as a rule of customary international law .
17 As you gain experience and begin to think about a first cross-country , local soaring provides a golden opportunity to check the compass for large errors and to get some practice at turning on to definite headings .
18 Such remedies in English law are generically different from remedies in contract or in tort , and are now recognised to fall within a third category of the common law which has been called quasi-contract or restitution .
19 Such remedies in English law are generically different from remedies in contract or in tort , and are now recognised to fall within a third category of the common law which has been called quasi-contract or restitution .
20 Such remedies in English law are generically different from remedies in contract or in tort , and are now recognised to fall within a third category of the common law which has been called quasi-contract or restitution .
21 During November the three largest parties announced their candidates for the presidential elections scheduled for April 26 , 1992 , to elect a successor to Kurt Waldheim , who had in June 1991 declined to stand for a second term [ see p. 38298 ] .
22 I 'm just waiting for my international clearance now , which should only take a few days , and then I 'll be aiming to challenge for a first team place . ’
23 Below the coum near the County Stone are the strewn remains of a Second World War plane that crashed killing all the poor lads that were in her .
24 Max 's conversion must have seemed like a second betrayal .
25 Moreover , a merger may occur as a defensive measure , in which , for example , a firm , threatened by a dynamic fast-growing competitor , will attempt to merge with a third firm in order to eliminate the threat .
26 After a roof-top walkabout on the terraces we viewed ‘ Towards 2000 ’ a promotional video describing the dramatic changes that are taking place at the £500m investment site of Terminal 2 , part of a complex that employs over 10,000 people ( 30,000 projected for the year 2005 ) and is set to expand with a second runway taking it from a regional role into the top 20 of world airports .
27 I know the ‘ next steps ’ , i.e. when I will be contacted and when I might have to return for a second interview .
28 Kenneth , last seen nineteen eighty two , lived in the Sleaford area , a retired senior nursing officer at Hospital Holbeach , er m may have married for a second time , Kenneth he 's got a son Ian Mark .
29 Pictured looking at a first edition of Mansfield Park are , back row :
30 Mozart , knowing that his father would be devastated by the news , sought to prepare him as gently as possible for it by writing to him that she was gravely ill and at the same time writing to their close friend , Bullinger , telling him the whole story , in the hope that Bullinger could support and comfort his father and sister when he finally broke the news to them , which he was intending to do in a second letter to his father .
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