Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [prep] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once we have agreed the contents with him we will be in a position to drawn up a Phase 1 contract in which we intend to concentrate on making the sanctuary wind and watertight that will allow us to begin work on the interior alterations .
2 His mouth became occupied in tracing the line of her jaw .
3 ‘ Ultimately , rock'n'roll has to contend with carrying the burden of primitive music on its shoulders , the way Atlas carried the world on his shoulders .
4 The Library Association is increasing efforts in parliamentary lobbying but the question of how far it wants to go in challenging the use of legislation for censorship is unclear .
5 The balance has tipped from viewing the problem entirely in terms of liability and expense to acknowledging that it also offers an opportunity …
6 The imposter then declares himself , and it is interesting to see if the judicial process has succeeded in ascertaining the truth of the matter .
7 He has succeeded in creating the atmosphere of a Mediterranean village , through the various architectural embellishments ; the old style Mallorcan houses , with their pastel-shaded façades , balconies , verandas , shutters and irregular roof-lines , suggest that the Anchorage Village has evolved over generations rather than just six years .
8 In Unix , it has succeeded in creating the impression that it has far more of the management , security and support capabilities in place than any of its competitors , and while this may not be entirely valid , time and again in the computer industry , winning the perception is nine tenths of the battle : in the 1970s , it was universally acknowledged among the cognoscenti that Burroughs Corp had by far the best mainframe architecture and operating software , but that did nothing to prevent the vast majority of its users migrating to IBM over time .
9 Although the change , introduced last year , to gross accounting has succeeded in highlighting the volume of activity which was previously reported in modest , net contribution figures , it should be appreciated that significant fluctuations will occur on the completion of major projects .
10 Oxfam NoLoGo has succeeded in making the concept of recycling fun and giving charity shops a completely new look .
11 Although the NPT has succeeded in retarding the spread of nuclear weapons , there is no doubt that the treaty will collapse unless significant progress is made towards nuclear disarmament by the nuclear powers .
12 The Jet Propulsion Laboratory ( JPL ) in California has spent ten years running a US government-sponsored project , which has succeeded in reducing the price of solar cells by 15 times , increasing cell efficiency from 6 per cent to 15 per cent and extending their lifespan from ten to thirty years .
13 The recent political activities of Haringey Black Action has succeeded in raising the profile of Black lesbians and gay men .
14 Very few writers , in Cusick 's experience , do much in the way of scene setting , and so a lot has to come from reading the dialogue and forming impressions in the mind .
15 Mosbacher , 64 , like Bush a native easterner who moved to Texas and made a personal fortune in oil and gas , had served as Bush 's national finance chairman in 1988 and was once again expected to concentrate on financing the campaign .
16 Historically , to prohibit cruelty to animals has amounted to prohibiting the infliction of unnecessary pain , or unjustified pain , especially when the pain is substantial and the human agent has acted wantonly or maliciously , and with intent .
17 One of the greatest difficulties Denis has faced over the years — and it has increased as the world has turned to harassing the smoker — has been how to keep awake through the after-dinner speeches without the benefit of a cigarette .
18 We got the Gilbey bar but I no the answer to that question would be if any company or org organisation was prepared or wished to talk about funding the theatre in any way and I think were 'd be more than welcome to sit down with and talk them and say well how would you perceive that which way would you like to go about it how can we assist that and I think we 're be open to suggestions from them how they see it I mean you know it could be seats it could be programmes it could be any any arrange of things that we 'd certainly welcome who approach us from companies but we I think we are pro-active in sense that we do n't wait for that to happen we actually go out but was said early I think given the recession it has been difficult lately to actually go out to companies and say I mean sure companies like the Harlow Council find it extremely finance the finances extremely difficult on them and with the recession it 's really difficult for them to actually find funding and I know lot 's of companies who actually cutting back on it certain areas I think funding of oth outside organisations will be one of the areas they 'll be cutting back on .
19 Rentokil would not have won the coveted Business Enterprise Award as company of the year had it not been for individuals playing their part , as our Chief Executive Clive Thompson reiterated ‘ this award is for the Rentokil people and the contribution this Company has made to improving the environment ’ .
20 To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what progress he has made in privatising the trust ports in Northern Ireland .
21 Soviet aid has helped in maintaining the population 's morale and the regime 's credibility and unity , while US aid to the to the mujahedin has done little to increase their unity , morale or fighting ability .
22 Information is needed too about the part the patient is expected to play in preventing the spread of infection .
23 More recently , attention has shifted to considering the combination of FDI and world market share .
24 The new chairman of the Cricket Society ( membership now over 2000 ) is David Allsop , who succeeds Nigel Haygarth , who has retired after occupying the post since 1983 .
25 For the rest he has persisted in wearing the guise of a vassal before his overlord .
26 The inequalities in health debate has focused on identifying the extent to which socially generated variations in both health status and use of health services exist within and between populations .
27 The core of the model is a model of the UK monetary sector , and work on extending the model has focused in modelling the exchange rate , the wage-price mechanism and the public sector borrowing requirement .
28 Additionally some £10 billion per year is currently being received from North Sea taxes and duties , more than 100,000 jobs have been created and British industry has benefited by taking the lion 's share of the orders for North Sea supplies and services .
29 For the clarity of in dealing with the a particular contribution has laid in developing the relationship between the sector and Government
30 Douglas Scott , the region 's senior corporate advisor , said that so far the council has concentrated on upping the region 's profile in Brussels and honing its statistical case .
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