Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [noun sg] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is clear from this brief appraisal that prevention through genetic counselling has limited value for the first born , but is an important consideration for parents who have had a mentally affected child or at least conceived one .
2 Beginning with relatively peaceful " teach-ins " at which the issues raised by the war were debated , the movement grew , using marches , rallies and sit-ins , designed to disrupt recruitment for the armed services .
3 Douglas Roaf has given money for the Physical Sciences , and an anonymous donor for the Biological Sciences .
4 These provide nesting cover for the larger birds such as the painted storks , spotted-billed pelicans , spoonbills , white ibises , open-bill storks , four species of heron , three egret species , the chestnut bittern , the Indian darter , little cormorants and Indian shags .
5 Those whose desks will be rearranged to find room for the new machines will find it harder to exert some control .
6 it is this ‘ discreditation ’ of the object which has dominated art for the last half century — it all goes back to Monet !
7 The Museum of Modern Art , 30 Pembroke Street , from January 24 to March 28 is reviewing the opus of that doyen of American minimalist and conceptual art , Sol Le Witt , presenting a concise historical survey of his career from 1963 to the present rooted in the Bauhaus , and fruiting so to speak in the fashion and perfume house of Nina Ricci ( sponsors of this show ) for which he has designed packaging for the manly fragrance Ricci Club .
8 Since the Soweto uprisings of 1976 a lot has taken place for the younger people .
9 A ‘ good ’ book needs to have meaning for the individual reader and it must bring meaning to what is experienced in our daily lives .
10 Dr O'Connor , 75 , has studied autism for the past 40 years .
11 And the head — above all — needs to take responsibility for the whole programme .
12 As more and more data is read , old data that has been accessed least is discarded to make room for the new .
13 Reed has published Steinbeck for the past three years , having taken over his novels and short stories from Pan .
14 In 1968 , the last word in its title was dropped to make way for the National Eye Institute .
15 After the war , reactors like the Windscale ‘ piles ’ — scene of the 1957 accident described in Chapter One — were designed to produce material for the first British nuclear bombs , and no expense was spared in developing the necessary technology .
16 Installation time is largely dependant on how much disk space the files you have already take up , since what 's already there is squeezed to make room for the extra drive , and squeezing takes time .
17 The previous occupant had been a Swiss merchant who had been evicted to make way for the English milord and his lady , and Jane had a suspicion that the Swiss , like all foreigners , harboured strange and filthy diseases .
18 Secondly , most of the fancy school fees plans are designed to make money for the financial institutions which put them together , and for the intermediary or agent who sells them .
19 That is why we feel justified in saying that Realism has held sway for the last forty years .
20 When the project is completed , the group members are transferred back to the basic structure , or they are given operating responsibility for the new product in a new unit .
21 The second session of Parliament , which began on 9 November , saw an attack on the standing army , the Commons refusing to vote supply for the additional forces that had been raised over the summer , and instead resolving to bring in a bill to reform the militia .
22 The third weakness is that the method adopted to conquer inflation for the second time — raising the interest rate — only works by inflicting pain on borrowers , both corporate and domestic .
23 This was built to supply water for the Grand Union Canal as it still does today .
24 Sometimes schools may choose to raise money for the overseas work we support and we are happy if they do , but this is in no way our purpose in contacting schools .
25 ‘ I went to the surgery first , and they told me you 'd taken responsibility for the two of them .
26 Prospects for 1993 are very mixed and boss Robert Fitzpatrick does not expect to achieve profitability for the entire year .
27 Events have also shown that in this day and age the exercise of a right to silence affords protection for the guilty and is unnecessary to safeguard the innocent .
28 Right , I just thought the Chair would like to thank Councillor for the immense amount of work I know that he 's been putting in over certain things that have been going on lately and I now take councillors ' questions if any of you got any for me .
29 In 1953 , the British National Conference on Social Work warned of the problems of abrupt retirement , while throughout the decade old people 's welfare committees acted to find work for the elderly .
30 However , it has also unexpectedly had to rewrite code for the vast numbers of device drivers and peripherals supported in the Intel iAPX-86 family of microprocessors .
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