Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [conj] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He recommended excursions into the surrounding countryside , and for his class of people he could think of nowhere better to go than to the grounds of the ancestral mansion of Studley park , some ten miles from the town .
2 Therefore , in looking at this diagram , one needs to realize that to the southwest er and just east of er Strensall erm the area is filled up by greenbelt .
3 This can include walking to work or to the shops , jogging , skipping , swimming or dancing .
4 Each generation has argued as to the merits of its team .
5 But it 's n I still ca n't reconcile why it was kept secret cos surely this is a fundamental point cos it is because they ca n't openly declare that how that they are moving away from the United Front , but if they 're trying to show that they 're moving in line with the peasants ' demands surely they want to show that to the peasants an so there , there 's it 's more that how th the Party cadres have been acting out of step rather than them making it clear to the peasants .
6 This study primarily related to stress and to the use of alcohol and illicit drugs .
7 Otherwise she would grow confused as to the limits and the confines of reality , the nature of objectivity and the state of her own mental balance .
8 Solicitors wishing to enquire as to the interpretation of rules applying to multi-national practices and/or registered foreign lawyers should telephone or write to Professional Ethics .
9 Solicitors wishing to enquire as to the interpretation of the rules should telephone or write to Professional Ethics , .
10 He must try to communicate that to the children who were filled with evident self-recrimination , Katherine particularly .
11 Yes chairman , I think that before you phrased that motion you might have enquired as to the circumstances of this , and , and everything that surrounds it .
12 Any doubt that may have existed as to the legitimacy of Rule 14e-3 has been removed by virtue of s.2 of the ITSFEA 1988 which states unequivocally that Congress supports :
13 By and large there are few links between the French course and other components and opinion among both staff and students seems divided as to the advisability of establishing such links .
14 The big-hitting Sam Snead once remarked : ‘ You drive for show but you putt for dough , ’ but try telling that to the fans who flocked to Daly 's banner in numbers unseen since ‘ Arnie 's Army ’ .
15 But try telling that to the actor who reads : ‘ He delivers every line with a monotonous tenor bark as if addressing an audience of deaf eskimos . ’
16 This led to doubt as to the effectiveness of the decree , which also ordered the colony 's property to be handed over to a Methodist church , even though much of it had been sold to individual members of the colony , who were not themselves to be subject to specific government action .
17 Walking or cycling to work or to the station instead of using the car , and exercising the dog regularly ( breathing deeply and keeping a good posture as we walk ) , are ways of incorporating exercise into the normal schedule .
18 I do not propose to speculate as to the decision of a reviewing court on the question of reasonableness .
19 Sixty two only , you know , not that long after the War had ended and to the lament that nobody got killed you know you might have had more chances e of success if they had all got killed .
20 There is a tendency to formulate proposals for uniform laws without adequate liaison among the various bodies involved in harmonization to ensure that each is kept informed as to the other 's projected programme of activity and that duplication of effort is avoided .
21 But consuming rhino horn will do you about as much good as chewing your finger nails ; however , trying to tell that to the people who consume rhino horn is like trying to tell Ian Botham to lose weight .
22 ‘ But the real difficulty arises with leisure and shopping journeys … it 's almost impossible , at present , to go shopping or to the beach or to a restaurant in LA without going by car …
23 Each paragraph should begin with a sentence which relates what comes next to the last point you have made and to the structure of the essay as a whole .
24 Mr. Ashworth and Mr. McGregor point also to the extravagant lengths , as they would put it , to which some of the United States decisions have gone and to the dangers of conflict between the mother and her child , with the child suing for damages for injuries allegedly caused by the negligence of the mother before the child 's birth .
25 ‘ We have resisted that to the extent we are finding ourselves in difficulties with the Government through capping . ’
26 Suspicions have arisen as to the volume of such contracts transferred over 1979–1982 , and the sudden huge claims after that period .
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