Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [adv] like a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But since being clad , it has looked just like a 19th-century bridge . ’
2 At times it has behaved more like a cancer-prevention than an environmental agency , making such scientifically dubious decisions as wanting to remove asbestos from school buildings and to ban substances with a microscopically small risk of causing cancer .
3 She bit her lip , the significance of what she was seeing sinking home like a jagged knife between her ribs .
4 Janine took a deep breath and all the fears and worries inside her came tumbling out like a great canker that had finally burst .
5 To many of us inside the game of golf , Froggy seemed to stick out like a sore thumb in this world of smooth agents , six-figure endorsement contracts and marketing strategies .
6 As Ryker came careering into the kitchen , Julie threw back the cellar hatch and came hurtling forth like a maddened trap-door spider , brandishing the hammer .
7 First , the European Parliament , supported by the Netherlands , wished to acquire more substantial powers for itself , especially over the EEC budget , and so begin to look more like a genuine legislature .
8 The upright against which he rested stretched up like a great squared pillar into the ceiling high overhead , white-painted , the simplicity of its design emphasised by the seven pictograms carved into the wood and picked out in gold leaf-the characters forming couplets with those on the matching upright .
9 AFTER the débâcle with Norman and Henrietta , Minton began dashing around like a hunted person .
10 On The Woman I Am , Chaka takes control again and , while the arrangements struggle to fill every available space with drum patterns and horn fills , she keeps swooping in like a dive-bombing seagull and forcing songs and producers into submission .
11 I 've been staring at it for the past hour , waiting for it to start twitching around like a fat little worm on a fishing hook .
12 But there was nothing laconic about his mind , which was known to tick over like a well-oiled clock .
13 They say he should have waited around like a good boy , taken a few duff , even Duff fights , and he would have been rewarded in due course by boxing 's power brokers .
14 At first it had amused her , because his Englishness could have stood out like a sore thumb , could have made them , indeed , appear inferior in some subtle way , less smooth , less cultured , provincial .
15 I should have dressed up like a 1970s saloon bar Tory and asked Sigourney about her baby , her husband and her miscarriage .
16 He was aware that he was not managing to sound exactly like a senior officer making a recent arrival feel at home , but decided not to add any further riders to his invitation .
17 Betinna lay curled up like a long-haired cat on the sofa .
18 And then then risk the life of one of the best rabbits we 've got , just to play nursey while you go wandering about like a moon-struck field-mouse .
19 If you keep your shoulder still , because it does n't hurt so much , it 'll tend to seize up like a rusty
20 Cage a river in cement and iron , and it will struggle to break out like a wild beast .
21 For his blasphemy and irresponsible behaviour , he was doomed to wander about like a sea-tossed ghost , never to rest again .
22 Even if flags are not embryos there are many cases in development where the embryo does behave rather like a regulating French flag .
23 Lee was prodding at the hide with a stick , Caspar leaping about like a mad thing .
24 Worst Career Move of the month : ex-world 's greatest sleazeball James Woods trying to come on like a middle-aged woman 's dreamboat opposite Dolly Parton in Straight Talk , which also has the biggest supporting cast of the month : Griffin Dunne , John Sayles , Spalding Gray .
25 It was almost as though he had grown there like a vile fungus on the dead timber .
26 It would all start to seem more like a bad trip , a bad dream .
27 Mark had blown in like a fresh breeze , hinting , with wild scents , of other delightful worlds where the air was free , pure , invigorating .
28 In the mid-twentieth century , the circulation of musical messages comes to look more like a continuous coproduction process , with inputs at many points .
29 At first , it is internal , just checking to see that the code to make two and two add up to four gets the right answer , but as more flesh gets put on the bones of the program , and it begins to look more like a real product , the first of the heavy testing stages starts .
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