Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [adv] a very [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The operation of the control room equipment requires a degree of skill and understanding and therefore some specialised training is needed for anyone who is expected to use even a very simple two-camera set-up .
2 ‘ I want to send out a very strong message today , ’ he had said , ‘ one thing I learned when I was young is that you do n't give in to the village bully .
3 In particular Kent has put together a very interesting programme of a festival of food and drink which is taking place at Penthurst Place near Tonbridge Wells , the last weekend in June and again here at the Barbican next year after this particular annual public meeting , music aid , who you mentioned earlier , are putting on a concert er for Save The Children Fund and they hope to raise twenty thousand pounds on that night .
4 The conference is expected to bring together a very diverse group of practitioners from all over the world and many leading world figures in practical systems thinking have agreed to attend .
5 The best that we seem to be able to say is that biological and psychological categories have tended to contain only a very small minority of offenders ( as well as a significant proportion of non-offenders ) , while sociological categories have contained a large majority of non-offenders ( and by no means all offenders ) .
6 I myself am going to take only a very few minutes that are left to me to comment on some of the points that were raised in the debate .
7 I was like a Lilliputian in Europe , and I began to understand how a very small creature feels .
8 They must attempt to innovate over a very broad front using people and structures which are still firmly in place from the ancien régime .
9 The police must have carried out a very thorough search of the premises and she said , threw the book at my client .
10 At other times a teacher may wish to use only a very short sequence .
11 Caught off guard , in a mellow mood , away-from the pressures that the stance has been developed to shield them from , they too will admit to being disappointed and confused , not as hard-bitten as they make out , and as having found only a very inadequate solution to what seems to be an insoluble problem : how to do a good enough job .
12 The evening visit of Hilary Seymour-Strachey seemed to have taken on a very different character to the afternoon one of his brother and sister-in-law .
13 It will be looked back upon by history as one of the remarkable achievements of the human spirit to have discovered how a very little violence can destroy the good conscience of the major institutions of society , and interchange the positions of sense and nonsense , right or wrong .
14 ‘ Again , being something so totally new and different , it took a while for people to fall in with it , ’ Shaun explained , ‘ but we 've built up a very strong client base in Doncaster and the district .
15 Terry had written out a very detailed plan for a farm-school project for juvenile offenders that he had been working on for almost two years .
16 Yes because what happens when you 've got just a very thin L , the magic E can even work through it , U , right , so it will be jugle , yeah , jugle , that would n't be the right pronunciation at all , okay , let's go on to the next one
17 Asked whether the new rules have influenced either the amount or type of advertising undertaken , 56 per cent of those responding said that it had not and 11 per cent said that it had exercised only a very marginal effect .
18 Whether you agree or disagree with what they do , you have to accept that they 've worked out a very complicated system of values .
19 You have to go back a very long way indeed to a more decorous age when politicians did n't use the memoir as a weapon for reopening old wounds .
20 I have given only a very rough and general indication of how the model of teacher mediation I have presented and argued for in this chapter might itself be made operational .
21 They may not always have turned up with what teachers would have wished , but I am sure that there has been a great acceptance of the way in which they have carried out a very difficult task .
22 It is gratifying that the initial residents have built up a very happy family atmosphere , and have expressed their thanks to the Association for providing them with what they now regard as their home .
23 ‘ They have to walk along a very narrow ridge with a valley on each side : one side Stanislavski and the other stylization .
24 Harry Curwen , his friend and cycling companion , had a story that Father wanted to ride up a very long hill on one of their excursions but fell off near the top .
25 If there 've been a whole series of articles articles about health or about food or something like that , no way are they going to do anything else on the subject , unless it 's , it 's brought in a very fierce readers ' letters column or something like that , in which case they may be open for another slant .
26 Honing your skills like this is very enjoyable and will give you confidence if you ever have to land along a very narrow line such as a pathway .
27 I mean , for instance , in my dreams er cars have taken on a very distinct personal symbolism that has really nothing to do with what you might think , because of personal experiences of mine , and I now know that whenever I dream about cars it always always has this but that 's because of something that happened to me and because of my personal erm kind of experiences , so cars have become a dream symbol .
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