Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] for a " in BNC.

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1 And , while Folly tried to gather her wits for a retort , he turned to the maid .
2 And Julie Goodyear — Coronation Street 's Bet Gilroy — has given her earrings for a separate celebrity sale in aid of Romanian children .
3 Policeman says : He tried to dip his headlights for an oncoming car then saw horses in the road and just could n't stop in time so ploughed into them .
4 The Green Party has issued its proposals for an " alternative budget " .
5 Nirex , the nuclear waste disposal company , has unveiled its plans for an underground research laboratory to test geological conditions at the site of Britain 's proposed nuclear waste repository in Cumbria .
6 Middlesbrough manager Lennie Lawrence has to prepare his players for a final push after a gruelling season .
7 Prior to that , at 7pm , the centre 's main hall will throw open its doors for a charity fair organised by the Newtownabbey Community Development Agency .
8 Probably these men were persuaded to relinquish their rights for a sum of money in lieu .
9 ‘ Like that , ’ he said , continuing to hold her hands for a peculiarly long time .
10 ‘ Fisher ’ , he said , ‘ was my headmaster and he has known ail my deficiencies for a long time . ’
11 Well the tom tiddlers of British political life I suppose write their memoirs for a couple of reasons because they ca n't ever admit to themselves they are tom tiddlers .
12 Some players , such as midfielder Stefan Effenberg , may have burned their boats for a while .
13 Early campaigns against the use of illegal drugs failed to achieve their aim , to scare users and potential users rigid and make parents frightened to turn their backs for a moment .
14 This means retracing my steps for a mile or so , but the country is wild and beautiful , full of new things to see .
15 Vial is said to have published his proposals for a veterinary school in September 1788 , and also in October 1789 , and he had issued his plan ( perhaps as revised by Granville Penn ) in March 1790 .
16 ‘ I 'll admit anything you like — but why do n't you start using your brains for a change ? ’ he told her roughly .
17 There was only one way in , by the drawbridge and the gate-towers ; he had racked his brains for an alternative , but there was none , short of procuring an ally within the walls , and that idea he did not entertain for a moment .
18 However , Muslim ex-singer Stevens , now Yusuf Islam 's reaction was anything but angry : ‘ I 've been trying to get record companies to stop selling my records for a long time .
19 Oh , I 've had my suspicions for a while now , not that I was the only one .
20 We 're scarcely going to feel we 've sold our souls for a plate of strawberries and cream , are we ? ’
21 If , instead , the tax payers had sold their shares for a larger amount , sufficient to enable them to repay the loans , they are likely to have been personally better off , because of indexation allowance to reduce the additional gain deriving from the sale of the shares , and because they would not have suffered an income tax charge under either ss421 or 160 .
22 Benjamin looked in desperation at the gatehouse of St Bartholomew 's Priory : the balcony was already full of important , well-dressed people who had brought their children for a day out ; they had also brought sugared apples , dishes of marzipan and jugs of wine to make their enjoyment complete .
23 Both Dragoons had galloped past Sharpe and were now trying to turn their horses for a second attack .
24 He also announced that in its referendum campaign the CP would be working with the neo-fascist Afrikaner Resistance Movement ( AWB ) which had reversed its plans for a boycott of the vote .
25 Jane had removed her specs for a short myopic rest , but now put them on again , quickly .
26 I climbed hesitantly , feeling clumsy as the tame macaw which that morning had taken my fingernails for a bunch of nuts .
27 The decision was taken after other member countries refused to accept US demands for a reduction of its contribution to the ISO 's budget and for its redefinition as a " study group " rather than a body with price-stabilizing powers .
28 Now the junior minister says she is pleased ‘ that the West Midlands County Council have accepted my proposals for a sensible and reasonable division of responsibilities . ’
29 I would tell them that I wanted to record their accents for a research project .
30 ‘ We have to submit our plans for a national scheme to the EC Commission by July 1994 and it must be operational by January 1995 .
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