Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [pron] in the first " in BNC.

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1 The trouble was that very few members of the audience at the Theatre Royal , Brighton , understood either what he was saying or why they had spent the money on going to see him in the first place .
2 I 'd like to see them in the first division .
3 Marina had that fabulous Gauloise and gin thee-ay-tah voice : which is why Jay had got to know her in the first place .
4 If he had told me that the first half was going to be crap , I would n't have bothered to watch it in the first place .
5 It should be remembered that recovery is a process of improving perception and is not merely an intellectual process : if sufferers could fully see and understand what they were doing to themselves , they would not have done it in the first place .
6 Thus while it is important to always play you 're best side AND in our case this must involve finishing high enough up the table to get a place in europe , we must keep players like Rocky and continue to play them in the first team .
7 GUIL : But if he gave it to me there 's no reason why you should have had it in the first place , in which case I do n't see what all the fuss is about you not having it .
8 Sir Kenneth Newman , to whom the report was presented , candidly admitted he would not have commissioned it in the first place ( it was commissioned by his predecessor , Sir David McNee ) , while the official Police Federation magazine ( Police , December 1983 ) concluded in an editorial :
9 As the shop manager pointed out , it was the third time that month she 'd been late for work , and if they had n't needed her to turn up on time , they would n't have hired her in the first place .
10 I should n't have took it in the first place .
11 This section of the book is designed to help you come to terms with your deepest emotions and the people or events which may have caused them in the first place .
12 Either she could say that Derek was the biggest fool the world had ever seen — in which case she would stand , self-confessed , as an even bigger fool for having married him in the first place .
13 It was also one of the most economical , which was why Kolchinsky would have purchased it in the first place .
14 Why bother to do it in the first place ?
15 If schemas are widely held , it should usually be obvious to the manager what they are — especially , of course , if he or she aimed to establish them in the first place .
16 ‘ Were n't you surprised to have seen him in the first place ?
17 But Blakelock had the best opportunity to do that , and he would n't need to have taken them in the first place .
18 My wife , Daphne , volunteered to stay and man — sorry , woman — the ramparts at home ; thus proving , not for the first time , she was far too bright to have married me in the first place .
19 It was just this power and seriousness that had fascinated her in the first place .
20 So he went to the commanding officer at Binbrook ( who was the one who had recommended him in the first place ) , and said — no thanks , I want to get out .
21 A year later Joe had arrived , and the first doctor in the district had attended her in the first room of what was now a complete frame house .
22 She spoke truthfully for the first time and said she had n't any more of it — which was a direct admission that she had had it in the first place .
23 Kate had been so busy looking around the room that she 'd rather forgotten why they had entered it in the first place .
24 He explained about the legend and the Monument and the meteorite that had brought it in the first place .
25 Makarenko also dealt summarily with the Poltava educational authorities who had appointed him in the first place .
26 Within ten minutes he was on the move again but came towards me very fast and swam into the weeds that formed the roof over the hole where I had hooked him in the first place .
27 He was not much older than Peter and he looked puzzled , as if wondering not only how to end this conversation but how he had begun it in the first place .
28 ‘ In that case , ’ retorted Geoffrey , ‘ why did he agree to see him in the first place ? ’
29 And it was and I who wanted to see it in the first place .
30 ‘ Why did you agree to meet her in the first place ? ’
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