Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [pron] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Presumably he believed that though his wife might join in a little family intrigue against him , she would not want to carry her opposition to the point of war — particularly if that were to involve her in an alliance with her ex-husband .
2 They held up posters rejecting the idea that their fathers were anything like the Gestapo , and calling for ‘ full social security ’ for Stasi officers expected to lose their posts in the process of trimming the service .
3 Edward agreed to renounce his claim to the French crown , while John was to abandon his demand for sovereignty over the lands ceded to the English .
4 Germany agreed to suspend its claims for the payment of debts incurred by the former Soviet Union to former East Germany until the year 2000 , while in exchange Russia abandoned all claims for compensation for Soviet military property and installations in former East Germany .
5 I think you 're sort of drawing drawing their attention to the public concern over that sort of phrase .
6 ‘ We will want to monitor her health for the next month or two at least before letting her return to England . ’
7 A preliminary hearing in Birmingham yesterday rejected a company claim that the four failed to lodge their case within the required three-month period .
8 Margaret was encouraged to continue pursuing her enquiries with the solicitor .
9 Mary Moore , 17 , of Chatham , Kent , was starved of oxygen after doctors failed to diagnose her presence in the womb .
10 If you would prefer to plan your retirement from the comfort of your home , the Open University 's study pack Planning Retirement covers more than sixty topics including ways to examine your attitudes about time and being retired ( address on page 148 ) .
11 Unfortunately , the funboards people tend to classify their level by the type of board they sail rather than how well they sail it .
12 Now longe moot thou saille by the cost , … gentil Maryneer !
13 Because he is constantly handling , tasting and eating fungi the spores tend to work their way into the shaman 's skin , penetrating his bloodstream and saturating his body .
14 Moreover , once imbalances have been created , they tend to work their way through the higher age groups in situ .
15 ‘ Listen ! ’ said the young man named Lawrence suddenly , and checked to strain his ears for the small , recurrent sound that had reached him .
16 But Cecil 's string was struggling to find its form at the time and Rainbow Lake could manage no better than a modest sixth to subsequent Derby fourth Cairo Prince .
17 It plans to continue to increase its investment in the development of application software and associated software tools .
18 CAPILLARY REFILL TEST : This involves pressing your thumb onto the horse 's gum .
19 Even that great opponent of the industrial system of the nineteenth century Thomas Carlyle ( 1795–1881 ) failed to relate his criticisms to the Christian doctrine that he had abandoned as a young man .
20 This project is intended to increase our understanding of the factors which have affected the growth in employment and output of the largest British and foreign-owned professional producer service firms .
21 For the polytechnics , still struggling to establish their place in the pattern of higher education , the advent of this group of diverse institutions could be seen as ‘ jeopardizing ’ their position , given what the CDP considered an ill-defined interpretation by the DES of ‘ advanced further education ’ .
22 On the night of Oct. 4-5 small-scale fighting occurred in the capital , Kigali , but the RPF failed to consolidate its position beyond the north-eastern area .
23 There is no evidence that sceattas circulated widely in the Mercian hinterland and some reason to suggest in the light of a multiplicity of distinctive sceatta coinages in eastern and southern England that Aethelbald , who may have minted in Canterbury , failed to impose his authority over the issue of coins by others , ‘ a critical commentary ’ , perhaps ‘ on what Bede asserts , and on Aethelbald 's own claims ’ .
24 When Gabriel turned in terror towards Garvey , the playmaster was already struggling to untangle his robe from the top of the ladder and to climb down .
25 Should you wish to change your holiday arrangements in any way we will endeavour to meet your wishes to the best of our ability .
26 His difficult relations with Roosevelt only confirmed his realist 's intuition that , beneath its idealistic rhetoric , the United States planned to establish its domination throughout the non-communist world .
27 To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the 1916 Rising , the National Museum of Ireland has revised its exhibition on the vital period of modern Irish history between 1900 and 1921 and called it ‘ The Road to Independence ’ .
28 It was published in America in 1974 , translated by Peter Kussi , who has revised his translation for the new edition of 1986 which I am discussing here .
29 Therefore , anybody interested in the wildlife of the seashore , especially the small fish , crabs , prawns , and other attractive creatures found when the tide is out , is recommended to plan their trips to the coast , taking special account of the following factors .
30 As Stalin scornfully put it , ‘ the bourgeoisie of Finland … by a strange confluence of circumstances has received its independence from the hands of a socialist Russia ’ .
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