Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [art] [adv] long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well Ivan has brought along this harp which is actually an Irish harp which has come a very long way .
2 ‘ He does n't usually throw tantrums , ’ Ashley said ruefully , as Vitor came round from the boot , ‘ but he has had a very long day . ’
3 This one came just as eyelids were beginning to droop at Tynecastle on Saturday when Hearts and Hibs staged the latest in what has become a very long series of tedious confrontations .
4 If nothing else , it has cast a mighty long shadow down the years .
5 ‘ It ca n't be denied that all this has taken a very long time to come about , but I think that , political wrangling aside , much of the delay has been due to genuine uncertainty about the tax implications of moving money around from one body to another .
6 The disentangling of ancient mergers that we observe here has taken a very long time , and the best explanation for the persistence of this alternating class is again a social explanation : the ‘ vernacular ’ alternant carries an identity function and strong connotations of closeness and intimacy .
7 It has taken an awful long time to come to fruition — and appears to have needed the departure of founder Ken Olsen to come to fruition , but Digital Equipment Corp is finally to start marketing Apple Computer Inc Macintoshes to major companies in the US , mirroring the arrangement the two companies have had for some time in Europe .
8 It looked as if we 'd travelled a very long way to get nowhere .
9 Gooch recalled playing against Waqar at Chelmsford : ‘ The first impression was that he seemed to have a very long run-up but he is obviously a very fine fast bowler with the ability to swing , particularly the old ball . ’
10 It seemed to take an unduly long time before it took hold .
11 It seemed to take an unreasonably long time and much bad temper , evasion and deliberate obfuscation , together with consultation of a diary that appeared to be alternately blank and covered with scribbled hieroglyphics .
12 So it 's going to take a very long time , because it has been male orientated , but until we get the attitude of the work place , which is encouraging their piers to apply for jobs instead of , oh , of course , I do n't think I will apply for that job .
13 And and the women , are very difficult about apply for the jobs , so I think it 's going to take an awful long time , erm , I 'm all in favour of equal opportunities , erm , on all accounts , and I would agree with Councillor that one of the difficulties about registered dis disability is that , a lot of people who could actually be a registered disabled person , but for reasons of pride , do n't want to be registered disabled .
14 Cos they 're not going to take an awful long time in a good hot room to dry .
15 On the one hand , people look for a low instalment amount ( which of course tends to mean a relatively long repayment period ) ; on the other , they look for a short repayment period ( which tends to mean a relatively high instalment amount ) .
16 This can be contrasted with the centesimal scale where we may have to wait a fairly long time to ascertain the action of the remedy .
17 Those actively interested in diamonds will have to wait a very long time before they will be able to put their hands on these cosmic ornaments .
18 You mean I 'll have to wait a very long time .
19 By the time Siward 's army had reached the plains by the Forth , it would have marched a very long way , and suffered fighting , and would be drawn , in any case , only from those regions Siward was master of , for neither Wessex nor Mercia , it was sure , would waste men on extending Northumbria 's empire .
20 What I 'm saying here is that , if you fancy one , it should be checked out carefully in the shop before parting with the ready folding , even though , for the price , you 'd have to go a very long way to beat it .
21 You 'll have to go a very long way to find a series of more disparaging , gloom laden , negative reports , and this , in a season when Linfield 's performances actually won them the league !
22 It is a burden that Russia could do without , but at least it is far cheaper than maintaining an army of occupation in what Richard III might have called the very long winter of discontent .
23 And in the morning she would have to have a very long talk with Feargal 's mother .
24 ‘ This is something I should 'ave done a very long time ago .
25 Fads breed products with a short life-cycle , such as pop records and other leisure items ; fashions tend to develop or reappear over the course of years , and the products which follow them tend to have a relatively long life-cycle .
26 England seem to have come an awfully long way simply to discover that it 's a small world , and the Irish did not need reminding about Murphy 's Law .
27 Now that it was over Edward seemed to have gone a very long way away from her , as if she was no more than a stranger to whom he was giving a lift .
28 One problem is that appeals to the European Court from decisions of DGIV tend to take a very long time , and there is also some doubt as to whether the Court is an appropriately constituted body to act as a review tribunal in the sense described above .
29 ‘ We 've travelled a tremendously long road and this is a great day for us , ’ he said .
30 He had come a very long way in the decade since his wife had failed to win a Belfast Corporation seat !
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