Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [prep] it at the " in BNC.

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1 And I tried to get on it at the beginning of the week but he told me it was fully booked .
2 It is a bit difficult it 's like it 's almost you want you want to get inside it at the back of it do n't you ?
3 ‘ I do n't want to talk about it at the moment , Stephen , if you do n't mind . ’
4 Well , this is an issue which is sort of under debate and it 's all part of the training thing , 'cause we are going to talk about it at the Training Committee tomorrow .
5 ‘ If we had wanted to deal with it at the time , we should have taken the action then . ’
6 ‘ Here , ’ she says thickly , handing me a joint while she rolls the ice cube round in her mouth and tries to breathe through it at the same time .
7 She wondered , not for the first time , how it was that her body could be desperate for liquid at one end while bursting to get rid of it at the other .
8 So I 've looked at it at the end of day and thought well my God !
9 Nobody had known about it at the time .
10 But the level of activity is not constant so either the permanent staff have to deal with it at the expense of other work , which leads to chaos ; or , temporaries have to be employed , which again leads to chaos .
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