Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [prep] [art] [num ord] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 MacMillan has said from the first announcements that it would be a big company ballet , involving a large cast , and he has provided just that .
2 The world steer , like the world car , has emerged over the last decades through an international standardization of producer technology and a specific set of social relations .
3 People know there is no tourism policy , and the number of personnel has doubled over the last years , but are we getting better services ?
4 Such is the burden of what I hope to argue in the next chapters .
5 This came to dominate in the last years of the century .
6 The Scottish squad are hoping to raise the £27,000 needed to compete in the second Women 's Rugby World Cup in the Netherlands in April , 1994 .
7 In the early days the novelty must have outweighed the discomfort , or no one would have travelled in the first charabancs .
8 Even HG Wells might not have believed in the last years of the 20th century , plans were being laid to walk across the Martian south pole .
9 Lendl 's 6–2 7–6 second-round defeat to Black , after a first round bye , was the latest blow to the 33-year-old 's faltering career , having lost in the first rounds of the French and Australian Opens already this year .
10 The view of the American Museum of Natural History , led by the late Don Rosen , is that the dipnois should have evolved into the first tetrapods , or four-legged land-based animals .
11 As hospital staff try to get rid of the last traces of CS gas from the department many are still recovering from the ordeal , which left them and a number of their patients suffering the effects of the gas .
12 A weightlifter who was sent home from the Barcelona Olympics after failing a drugs test WILL be allowed to compete in the next games .
13 He was what we have learned to call a WASP , and his lifetime coincided with the process , not yet quite completed , by which that caste — white Anglo-Saxon protestants of the northeast — was supplanted from the position of privilege that they had enjoyed from the first days of the Republic .
14 She had looked at the first lines but now she was n't reading any of it .
15 Louis XIV had seen in the last days of his reign the growing pointlessness of the traditional Franco-Austrian antagonism , but his efforts to achieve some agreement with the Habsburgs were not followed up by his successors .
16 There was no hint of the troubling flirtatiousness which had confused her on earlier occasions , yet neither was his manner that of the ‘ matey , all good pals together ’ variety which he had adopted during the first weeks of their friendship .
17 Of course it had belonged among those unhappy mad thoughts which she had had in the last days .
18 He had to leave after the first rehearsals when the only line he could remember was the one he 'd tried on the leading lady the night before .
19 Whatever the outcome of the Higginson Committee 's inquiry may be , if we are to see a radical improvement in secondary education , we must learn to think not merely of a new form of examination ( and therefore presumably a novel kind of syllabus that will lead to it ) but of a wholly new approach to those studies that we wish to retain in the sixth forms at school , and how these studies are to relate to the pupils ' next step , when they leave school .
20 Still an inefficient and partly feudal force at the end of the seventeenth century , it had become by the last years of Peter I one of the most powerful in Europe .
21 He wore an open-neck shirt and trousers that needed pressing , but he 'd apologized for his ‘ unkempt ’ condition when he 'd first greeted them , explaining that he 'd been decorating at home and had pulled on the first things to hand in his haste to get to the waxworks .
22 As for the Movement , or the Angry Young Men of the 1950s , the intellectual and popular press were not wrong to believe that a new race of novelists ( and others ) had appeared in the first months of the new reign , soon after the death of George VI ; but the name Movement coined by a Spectator journalist in 1954 never seemed likely to fit for long , or Angry Young Men either ; they never met as a group , though they were ( at least for the most part ) acquainted .
23 In the silence of his shelter he was finally letting the true sorrow he felt for all that had happened in the last months come into him , and he was beginning to grieve .
24 The 66-year-old President , an agricultural economist by training , was generally regarded as a more approachable and pragmatic politician than his predecessor , and therefore better equipped to manage the process of political liberalization which had begun in the last months of Chiang 's presidency .
25 The local press , which had flourished during the last years of colonial rule , had been allowed to die .
26 Relations with the USA , which had improved during the first years of Rajiv Gandhi 's government , came under strain in 1987 due to the US decision to grant large military aid packages to Pakistan , including early warning surveillance aircraft , and to Indian fears of a Pakistani nuclear bomb .
27 ‘ The residents who have moved into the first houses are the envy of everybody .
28 So when Sam and Harry finally returned to harbour with the last catches of the week , there was a crowd of a hundred or more people present to see the fish landed and the final reckoning made .
29 And she 's gone into the second years , you go there when
30 It 's an important question , because unless we remember the past , we 'll forget how much we have achieved during the last years .
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