Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [prep] [art] same [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They are all , however , designed to work by the same physiological principles , and on this basis they have common components .
2 Milton has lived in the same stable all the time he has been with the Whitakers .
3 And corporate income tax also has to rise to the same 36 per cent , from 34 per cent , because the slightest gap would cause the genuinely rich to incorporate overnight .
4 I have already mentioned Family Affair , which features specific language items selected according to the same functional and structural syllabus as the language course Building Strategies .
5 While Kittay 's theory has the advantage that it allows metaphor to be seen as operating according to the same basic principles regardless of the size of the discursive unit in question , Brooke-Rose 's own examination of the mechanisms of the verb metaphor suggest a view that minimizes dependence on an implicit ‘ proper ’ term outside the text and emphasizes the metaphoric interactions between the terms themselves .
6 There was to be no self-dramatisation and nothing that would set Amnesty International apart from the very people that it was seeking to protect from the same potential threat .
7 For example there were evident differences in lexical incidence between items which had been thought to belong to the same phonological set ; get and never in contemporary Belfast vernacular did not pattern in the same way as items such as wet and wedding , and so could not be considered as tokens of the variable ( Ε ) ( see further 6.7 ) .
8 Auxiliary need tends to occur in the same syntactic environments as at all , ever and any , which are typically found in so-called non-assertive sentences .
9 And finally , some concluding remarks are offered on the ways in which additional linguistic frameworks may be brought to bear on the same linguistic data .
10 Today the president , Mrs Macpherson , in between gracefully shaking hands with each new arrival and presenting her to Mrs MacDonald , decided that she was nothing but a vulgar upstart , and she trembled with suppressed irritation at having to stand in the same receiving line with her .
11 Do n't you contribute to this picture of Dudley Moore by continuing to talk about the same old things ?
12 The great grandchildren of those who had been gulled by the infantile speculative ventures on offer during the manic South Sea Bubble phenomenon had obviously been conditioned to react in the same wild way .
13 The overweight people in this experiment , however , kept eating at the same fast pace throughout the meal .
14 Politics and knowledge have worked according to the same Hegelian dialectic , with its ‘ phallo-logocentric Aufhebung ’ — whether it be Marxism 's History , Europe 's colonial annexations and accompanying racism or orientalist scholarship , or , in a typical conflation of patriarchy and colonialism , Freud 's characterization of femininity as the dark unexplored continent ( ’ within his economy , she is the strangeness he likes to appropriate' [ 68 ] ) .
15 Blake suspected that he was not the first person who had asked himself that question or had come to the same irrational conclusion .
16 But the notion , once born , firmly took root , refusing to let her settle , and as she wandered aimlessly about the living-room she realised she 'd soon be in danger of going stir-crazy if she had to look at the same four walls much longer .
17 Familiarity bred business so it seemed , as established dealers with a limited clientele continued to deal with the same few people day after day , generating sometimes fantastic commissions for themselves , as well as token fines for the overtrading habits that ironically were tacitly encouraged .
18 Whether you 've stuck with the same old style for years , want to find out the options for covering grey or simply want to learn how to manage your hair better , Charles will demonstrate practical ways to help you make the most of your hair .
19 I felt a touch of the sinister that rules so many of the islands ; there was no reason to shiver in that warm spot , but I did , and experienced a slight sense of embarrassment , as though I had been intruding , thinking perhaps not of Tiare but of the great love all those years ago which had produced her : forty years ago when the water was cascading over the same cliff in just the same way as it had today , Princess Tiare 's mother and her lover had bathed in the same secret pool and later , perhaps , made love in the cave behind .
20 He and Moran had fought in the same flying column in the war .
21 I always have to talk about the same damned things …
22 This suggests that either two separate integration events have occurred in the same trypanosome , or that the ST3 line is polyclonal .
23 They report that the odds of qualifying for HE for the upwardly mobile are doubled relative to those who have stayed in the same social class .
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