Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [verb] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what arrangements he has made to ensure that existing recipients of attendance allowance and mobility allowance receive disability living allowance in April .
2 I hold no specific brief for the Baxter scheme , but it has attempted to demonstrate that alternative schemes could be produced that would retain the Government 's proposal for a terminus — an interchange — at King 's Cross , but states that the plan would be more satisfactory if it were achieved without creating an enormous hole in the ground which British Rail proposes , with all the consequent destruction of homes , jobs and local neighbourhood .
3 This section has attempted to show that more research is needed into the make-up of multiple estates in the earliest periods for which documents exist .
4 John and Elizabeth Newson , authors of a report into the extent of parental punishment in the UK published yesterday , say : ‘ The majority of British parents interviewed seems to believe that physical punishment is an inevitable and probably necessary aspect of ordinary child upbringing . ’
5 There has been some controversy in recent years over the effect which the plague had on the population , and the bacteriologist J. F. D. Shrewsbury has tried to argue that bubonic plague could not , by its nature , have destroyed as high a proportion of the population as historians have claimed ( 102 ) .
6 US officials , fearful of a growing budget deficit , were reported to have emphasised that any rise in German interest rates would reduce the chances of further cuts in US interest rates , and thus place additional strains on the economy .
7 Earlier , during talks with US treasury officials , the president of the German Bundesbank , Karl Otto Pöhl , was reported to have stressed that German interest rates were the lowest in the European Communities ( EC ) , and that hardly any other country in the world had achieved such a positive combination of strong growth and low inflation .
8 A retired solicitor will not be treated as continuing to hold himself out as a partner merely because he has neglected to ensure that revised letterheads are used by the firm from the date of his retirement , but there could be more of a problem when he has been party to a lease of partnership property and steps have not been taken to replace him as one of its lessees/trustees. ( e ) Sureties Section 18 of the Partnership Act contains a special provision which applies , in the absence of contrary agreement , whenever there is a change in the membership of a firm : A continuing guaranty or cautionary obligation given either to a firm or to a third person in respect of the transactions of a firm is , in the absence of agreement to the contrary , revoked as to future transactions by any change in the constitution of the firm to which , or of the firm in respect of transactions of which , the guaranty or obligation was given .
9 Such research has purported to show that abusing parents are more likely to have , for example , personality problems ( Loss and Glancy , 1983 ; Kokkevi and Agathonos , 1987 ) , low IQ ( Oliver , 1977 ) and have been the victims of abuse themselves ( Kempe and Kempe , 1978 ) .
10 Their Australian coach Darryl Van De Velde seemed to have found that elusive consistency last season , but such an assumption was shattered by Castleford 's spectacular collapse over the final weeks .
11 Pakistan was said to have insisted that both sides should revert to positions held in December 1971 as agreed in the Simla Accord [ see pp. 25432-33 ] .
12 Classical economy is said to have assumed that all men are alike in sharing certain needs which must be satisfied if they are to survive , but which can be met in a variety of ways .
13 In the case of Archer-Shee , which is said to have established that such income is income of the beneficiary , it appears to have been conceded by the Revenue that it was not to be so treated as regards liability for Income Tax .
14 Its data-holding potential allows it to be used to help ensure that all pupils are involved in the game as well as the traditional competitive classroom activity , testing .
15 6 Our memebers have had to fight to ensure that national agreements are honoured .
16 Recent incidents and events on the environmental stage — beginning , at least in Europe , with the explosion at the Chernobyl reactor — seem to have reawakened that ancient fear of nature 's retribution that so haunted our hunting and gathering ancestors .
17 On the whole experiments seem to have confirmed that considerable movement of shingle offshore only takes place where pebbles are stirred up by wave action , though currents may contribute to their direction of fall .
18 Both local authorities seem to have accepted that some service development of this sort was a desirable addition to the Cramlington employment base .
19 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what steps he intends to take to ensure that British firms are able to obtain political risk insurance with speed and on terms that enable them to compete on equal terms with their international competitors .
20 ‘ If you knew how bored I get trying to answer that same question … ’
21 But last week he admitted having advised that any application for a licence should emphasise the ‘ peaceful use ’ of the products .
22 But Polybius would of course have had to jettison his pet idea of the mixed constitution , and generally speaking he would have had to admit that those Romans whose minds appeared so transparent to him were in fact much more mysterious creatures .
23 Public concern , legislation , departmental procedures , and pressure on professional staff would have combined to ensure that effective action was taken .
24 In this remark , perhaps the earliest preserved utterance of an English housewife , she certainly seems to have assumed that such food would be a normal part of the family diet .
25 A consensus seems to have emerged that some kinds of blue-green algae started to extract hydrogen from the planet 's richest resource , the oceans .
26 Precisely what do the Government intend to do to ensure that mature women have access to the proper sort of training and the necessary child care to allow them to play their full role in the labour market ?
27 I do happen to believe that certain forms of physical punishment could be effective in some cases .
28 Ranasinghe Premadasa , the dead president , appeared to have learnt that indiscriminate killing of Tamils was not going to make the problem go away .
29 A field which wishes to attempt to ensure that some offers are made in combination with one or more other fields sees to it at the beginning of the cycle that ‘ reserved offers ’ are set aside .
30 The king-duke had to try to suggest that such appeals as were made were not his personal responsibility .
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