Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [verb] [conj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what arrangements he has made to ensure that existing recipients of attendance allowance and mobility allowance receive disability living allowance in April .
2 About 99% of the women approached agreed to participate and annual loss to follow up was about 0.3% .
3 The Supreme Court has agreed to consider whether potential jurors may be excluded from a case because of their sex .
4 I hold no specific brief for the Baxter scheme , but it has attempted to demonstrate that alternative schemes could be produced that would retain the Government 's proposal for a terminus — an interchange — at King 's Cross , but states that the plan would be more satisfactory if it were achieved without creating an enormous hole in the ground which British Rail proposes , with all the consequent destruction of homes , jobs and local neighbourhood .
5 This section has attempted to show that more research is needed into the make-up of multiple estates in the earliest periods for which documents exist .
6 John and Elizabeth Newson , authors of a report into the extent of parental punishment in the UK published yesterday , say : ‘ The majority of British parents interviewed seems to believe that physical punishment is an inevitable and probably necessary aspect of ordinary child upbringing . ’
7 The process of retirement too has a differential impact on men and women , but the experience of women has remained obscured because old age has been regarded , in Simone de Beauvoir 's ( 1977 , p. 101 ) terms , as ‘ a man 's problem ’ .
8 Where restrictive covenants and rights of way appear to have lapsed and extensive investigations fail to locate any individual able to enforce or enjoy the benefit from such rights , it is possible to take out indemnity insurance against the remote possibility that anyone emerges with the legal right to enforce the covenant or right of way .
9 There has been some controversy in recent years over the effect which the plague had on the population , and the bacteriologist J. F. D. Shrewsbury has tried to argue that bubonic plague could not , by its nature , have destroyed as high a proportion of the population as historians have claimed ( 102 ) .
10 US officials , fearful of a growing budget deficit , were reported to have emphasised that any rise in German interest rates would reduce the chances of further cuts in US interest rates , and thus place additional strains on the economy .
11 Opposition groups including the Chadian League for Human Rights ( LDHT ) meanwhile claimed that the coup incident had been manufactured , in a context of mounting public indignation against the actions of Chadian soldiers stationed in the capital , who were reported to have robbed and killed civilians .
12 Earlier , during talks with US treasury officials , the president of the German Bundesbank , Karl Otto Pöhl , was reported to have stressed that German interest rates were the lowest in the European Communities ( EC ) , and that hardly any other country in the world had achieved such a positive combination of strong growth and low inflation .
13 A retired solicitor will not be treated as continuing to hold himself out as a partner merely because he has neglected to ensure that revised letterheads are used by the firm from the date of his retirement , but there could be more of a problem when he has been party to a lease of partnership property and steps have not been taken to replace him as one of its lessees/trustees. ( e ) Sureties Section 18 of the Partnership Act contains a special provision which applies , in the absence of contrary agreement , whenever there is a change in the membership of a firm : A continuing guaranty or cautionary obligation given either to a firm or to a third person in respect of the transactions of a firm is , in the absence of agreement to the contrary , revoked as to future transactions by any change in the constitution of the firm to which , or of the firm in respect of transactions of which , the guaranty or obligation was given .
14 Such research has purported to show that abusing parents are more likely to have , for example , personality problems ( Loss and Glancy , 1983 ; Kokkevi and Agathonos , 1987 ) , low IQ ( Oliver , 1977 ) and have been the victims of abuse themselves ( Kempe and Kempe , 1978 ) .
15 Companies tend to choose to reorganise when existing structure ceases to serve its purpose rather than when a new opportunity or developmental stage is being planned .
16 Guided by its recent experience Quit has set as medium term goals adult smoking prevalences of 22% in 1994 and 18% in 1997 compared with the British government 's goal in The Health of the Nation of 20% in 2000 .
17 Their Australian coach Darryl Van De Velde seemed to have found that elusive consistency last season , but such an assumption was shattered by Castleford 's spectacular collapse over the final weeks .
18 Pakistan was said to have insisted that both sides should revert to positions held in December 1971 as agreed in the Simla Accord [ see pp. 25432-33 ] .
19 Classical economy is said to have assumed that all men are alike in sharing certain needs which must be satisfied if they are to survive , but which can be met in a variety of ways .
20 These languages are said to have bound or fixed stress ; if you know the rules you know where to put the stress .
21 In the case of Archer-Shee , which is said to have established that such income is income of the beneficiary , it appears to have been conceded by the Revenue that it was not to be so treated as regards liability for Income Tax .
22 Tubifex should be fed sparingly and only about once a month and should never be given to fish fry or young fish .
23 Clearly , time , energy and commitment is needed to tackle condoned and other kinds of truancy .
24 Its data-holding potential allows it to be used to help ensure that all pupils are involved in the game as well as the traditional competitive classroom activity , testing .
25 6 Our memebers have had to fight to ensure that national agreements are honoured .
26 Hunting should be allowed to help cull aged or troublesome game .
27 It is thought to have occurred because visiting dignitaries are regularly taken to either side of the monument — and yesterday the convoy drivers picked the wrong side .
28 Recent incidents and events on the environmental stage — beginning , at least in Europe , with the explosion at the Chernobyl reactor — seem to have reawakened that ancient fear of nature 's retribution that so haunted our hunting and gathering ancestors .
29 On the whole experiments seem to have confirmed that considerable movement of shingle offshore only takes place where pebbles are stirred up by wave action , though currents may contribute to their direction of fall .
30 Both local authorities seem to have accepted that some service development of this sort was a desirable addition to the Cramlington employment base .
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