Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] from [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If we change notes from chord to chord this weakening does not occur — the notes retain their ‘ freshness ’ .
2 Drugged you drag grief from room to room and weep ,
3 One of the main aims of all financial institutions , including banks , is to channel funds from surplus to deficit units in an economy .
4 In Chapter 1 we said that it was the job of a financial system to channel funds from surplus to deficit sectors .
5 Er unfortunately one has cases from time to time on girls of this age who set out to entice men .
6 The B.C. Electric Co. sponsored a broadcast series of symphony concerts making use of famous conductors who visited Vancouver from time to time .
7 Slowly , tentatively , they part , your tongues meet , and your awareness of what the future holds passes from speculation to certainty .
8 I watched the smoke rising from the liquid as it changed colour from red to purple and at last to green .
9 Both involve promotion from executive to manager in two sectors of the division .
10 We visited Edinburgh from time to time and one evening were invited by the Queen to a dance at Holyrood House .
11 The view that the Lord 's Day is essentially the Jewish Sabbath — a ‘ taboo ’ day — transferred from the seventh to the first day of the week found expression from time to time in medieval law and theology .
12 It is also the meeting of the cultured city dweller , who led Odysseus from undergrowth to city palace , with the savage Cyclops who wished to eat the hero in a cave .
13 As a part of that we intend to arrange excursions from time to time , and there will be winter lectures .
14 The sole entertainment in the restaurant to which they went was a violinist ‘ with three strands of henna 'd hair from left to right . ’
15 From DEC 's multi-colour , multi-font text widget , users can additionally edit text from right to left .
16 In the UK the process of privatization over the past nine years has moved utilities from public to private ownership , again under a regime of regulation ( Vickers and Yarrow , 1988 ) .
17 The Gulf crisis caused revenues from tourism to fall by 65 per cent ( official estimate ) by December and dues from the Suez canal were down by 25 per cent compared with 1989 .
18 O Olayan D L L stuff , I can just whip stuff from spreadsheets to word processors and st stick it on a clipboard .
19 The nurse will know that her situation will present conflict from time to time , but that this is recognised .
20 Darren started going to a special school , but in ‘ 84 my drinking did start getting out of hand and I was pushing Darren from pillar to post .
21 This can be used to highlight changes from year to year or compare actual and required staffing levels .
22 He had seen Hugo from time to time in the intervening years ; he knew from Hugo 's cousin Christian that his former tutor had fallen on hard times .
23 She urges the excellence and dignity of courage , a glittering idea which has dazzled mankind from age to age and animated sometimes the housebreaker and sometimes the conqueror . ’
24 I receive representations from time to time about various aspects of the home improvement grants scheme and its operation ; in the main those concern individual cases .
25 In County Durham police officers at Bishop Auckland , Darlington , Chester-le-Street and Consett have all been required to guard convicts from time to time .
26 There is every reason to believe that nerve fibres can also transmit messages from cell to cell with different codes .
27 He also made translations from Turkish to Latin .
28 ‘ We also take in paying guests from time to time , ’ said Ernest awkwardly .
29 All that 's happened is that , in switching from rock to soul , agit-pop has shifted emphasis from denunciation to affirmation , or what has been called offensive optimism .
30 The most ambitious of the three catalogues is that from Brussels , which includes art from Pole to Pole .
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