Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] in [pron] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Several alumni have asked how they can make provision in their wills for a bequest which will help future students at Birmingham .
2 To help them to do so they list 12 tasks for scientist , such as participating in research on the economic effects of disarmament and urging editors to provide space in their journals for discussion on disarmament issues .
3 People have sought gold in our islands for at least two thousand years , and I do n't believe any significant pannable sites are left to be discovered .
4 It should be possible for clergy and teachers to ensure both that churches include some of the school 's repertoire in their own , and that schools make room in their assemblies for some traditional hymns .
5 I can keep Rainbow in my sights for a little while longer .
6 It was one of the most imposing structures of the Roman world and its ruins , bordering the Forum Romanum , inspired Michelangelo in his designs for S. Peter 's .
7 Now you 're gon na want a pin , these are rather small pins , I recommend that peop people who have got large hands try and fit their first aid kit out with large pins , they 're much easier to handle , but firstly they do not put pins in their mouths for obvious reasons , either , either have it on the table open ready or just pop it in the front of shirt while you do this bit , okay ?
8 They had food in their saddlebags for two days , and the pack mules carried grain and hay for the horses , there being little forage in the hills the patrol would traverse for the first two days .
9 But the parishes , and the parish missions , were central to the care of souls ; and their ministers ought always to be refreshing themselves in the truths of the Christian faith , so that they do not slip ‘ into versions of it which miss its height and depth and wonder ’ ; and those ministers ought always to make room in their lives for silence and the chance of realizing their nearness to eternity .
10 The group is the non-profit-making trading arm of the 1959 Group of Charities which provides access in its shops for the sale of cards from nearly 300 charities .
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