Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] of [art] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 After a while it became part of the nomes ' world , so that when it stopped the silence came as a shock .
2 In the mid-1980s it became part of the electricians ' union the EEPTU .
3 He was in a position in which he would have every opportunity of gaining knowledge of the customers ' business and influence over the customers ' .
4 Contexts involve characters of the pupils ' own ages and subjects which are relevant to their lives .
5 There would probably be no need to transfer substantial assets of the business into the new company and the appropriate step might be to allocate part of the solicitors ' clientele to the company partner to establish it as having a regular practice .
6 We note that it came top of the apostles ' agenda when the members of the brand new church ‘ devoted themselves to the apostles ’ teaching' ( Acts 2:2 ) .
7 Granted structures of the Prisoners ' Dilemma type , cooperative behaviour can be secured only granted a certain level of assurance , and the need of norms ( in particular of sanctioned norms ) to produce that assurance shows that the assurance can not be adequately delivered by genetically based signals .
8 A report , published yesterday by Alan Bishop , chief inspector of prisons for Scotland , says members of a prisoners ' alcohol abuse group have given talks at secondary schools and have attended meetings of parent-teacher associations and community education committees .
9 Did the nurse show understanding of the patients ' needs ?
10 The audit committee , which is comprised solely of independent directors , reviews the group 's internal controls and financial results with the external auditors , agrees the scope of the auditors ' work and monitors implementation of the auditors ' recommendations .
11 To combat the opposite extreme of jerry-building , we would make membership of the Housebuilders ' Registration Council 's register compulsory upon all contractors for local authority houses , with a view to rendering the building industry eventually an industry subject throughout to publicly-approved standards .
12 When the Linfield manager gets a telephone call from Windsor Park tonight it will provide details of the Blues ' first domestic defeat in the season — and their worst performance to date .
13 First , it raises issues of the academics ' academic freedom ( Lerfreiheit ) : are the academics ' rights to teach and research constrained ?
14 " With all this equipment for moving things about the place , " he gestured up towards the moving line of clinking cutlery above their heads , looping under the assorted ducting and swivelled prisms of the kitchens ' ceiling .
15 Production of the magazine has become part of the students ' training , with proceeds being used to provide additional resources for the courses involved .
16 The pastoral scene described denied the back breaking nature of the islanders ' survival conditions .
17 Former presenter David Hamilton last night blamed Top Of The Pops ' demise on the ‘ bunch of nobodies ’ who host the show .
18 In recent years first electrons , and now sound waves , have become tools of the microscopists ' trade that were unimagined in van Leewenhoek 's day .
19 The validity of decisions taken by the partners may depend upon all of them having at least received notice of a partners ' meeting or upon one or more of them having been duly informed of action to be taken against them by their co-partners .
20 The Emperor was then able to quickly take advantage of the Bretonnians ' vulnerability by leading the Reiksguard behind the main Bretonnian army and charging into its rear .
21 Once a company is insolvent , or in danger of becoming so , the directors must also take account of the creditors ' interests .
22 The girls took advantage of the boys ' sudden inability to catch or shoot and before long the game was over and the girls won 12–8 .
23 Part of the course involved criticism of the cadets ' sermons and talks .
24 All matriculated students automatically become members of the Students ' Association which is governed by the student body and run by students elected annually from the membership .
25 Within the framework established by the Education ( No. 2 ) Act 1986 for the head teacher to be in overall control of discipline in a school ( taking account of the governors ' policy on discipline ) , the law is content to allow teachers much discretion in the enforcement of school rules and application of sanctions .
26 These pressures are making it increasingly difficult to reconcile enjoyment of the parks ' natural beauty with conservation , according to the commission .
27 Carpenter kept track of the birds ' weight changes by means of perches attached to spring or electronic balances ( Figure 7.6 ) .
28 The fact that the machines made by Amstrad had other legitimate uses , such as making copies of the purchasers ' own music or of works not protected by copyright , was important , even though it was obvious that the largest use would involve copyright infringement .
29 Ayatollah Khamenei , Iran 's spiritual leader , in a speech on June 10 said that there had been disorder in three towns ( Mashad , Shiraz and Arak ) where a small and subversive counter-revolutionhad taken advantage of the authorities ' leniency ; he warned municipal institutions not to provide pretexts for the stirring up of further disturbances .
30 To find out more about the different makes of plumbing fittings , you really need to get hold of the manufacturers ' catalogues .
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