Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] at [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 They made camp at the top of a bank by a fallen tree .
2 They made camp at the top of a bank by a fallen tree .
3 Well , one couple are so determined that as many people as possible should at least have the CHANCE to read it that they 're producing copies at a quarter of the official price .
4 There was a small , partly hidden gully at the base of the cliff and there , grazing on the scurvy grass , was yet another bear .
5 But , when you 're doing that you make assessment at the end of it to say what level you have , you 've got to target specifically at certain things .
6 Even more significant , perhaps , was an intensification of the philosophy which promoted wealth generating activities at the expense of social programmes .
7 Possibly the first Inn was the Five Bells , which was probably the ale house mentioned in 1586 , when William Cokar of Halling was sent to gaol for keeping an ale house and allowing gambling i.e. maintaining play at the dice of his own authority as a result of which he was bound , over to the next Sessions .
8 ‘ With its comprehensive specification and competitive pricing , Safrane will pitch Renault at the head of the volume executive sector for the first time . ’
9 Doctors ' desires to advance specialisms that they find intellectually exciting , university lecturers pursuing research at the expense of their teaching commitments , engineers wishing to develop technologically advanced products such as Concorde , are just a few examples of the kind of professional aspirations that lead to the misallocation of resources from the clients ' or taxpayers ' point of view .
10 Before Christine or Ann or any of the other girls playing realised what was happening , the pram began to run down the steep bank , gathering speed at every turn of its wheels .
11 For Ashcroft Noble had never forbidden his study to children , and Helen later recalled seeing Edward at the end of a visit still standing by a bookcase and reluctant to leave .
12 And conversely , in the exalté atmosphere of Northern Nigeria , a Resident who admitted defeat at the hands of his emir was deemed to be guilty of two unpardonable sins : he disgraced by his ineptitude the good name of the British Colonial Service ; and he brought the whole principle of local administrative autonomy into disrepute .
13 When his trial opened on May 26 he had been charged with complicity in genocide , and the presiding judge had only substituted the lesser charge of instigating murder at the moment of reaching a verdict .
14 On Feb. 5-8 a World Health Organization team visited Romania at the request of the government to give advice on a situation described by Dr Jacques Lebas , a leading AIDS expert , as more serious than any in the world , including Africa .
15 The endometrium itself will undergo change at the point of implantation .
16 It gets very predictable from here , folks , as the grumpy Crane — a leading biologist who nevertheless has kittens at the sight of a snake — and dour old Campbell trade verbal punches and then simmering , sensual looks as they scamper about the jungle trying to rediscover the magic mix .
17 We submitted a carefully considered response at the end of June , since when there has been a deafening silence .
18 It was after nine o'clock , however , by the time he got there , since his route was complicated , and involved calls at the mortuary of the General Hospital , at police headquarters , and a telephone call to the forensic laboratory .
19 Among its other demands are : i ) that manufacturers should be obliged to take back and recycle products at the end of their useful life ; ii ) that the EC should take steps to set up a comprehensive system of environmental liability ; and iii ) that environmental impact assessments on construction projects and other EC-funded programmes be strictly enforced both within and outside Europe .
20 I 'll leave it at that , erm , rate book , it needs practice at the end of the day .
21 To take child care for instance , we can suddenly get two or three ah admissions to secure units at a cost of two thousand pounds a week and that 's er you know a hundred thousand a year per child so we can really there are other votes that can , can absorb that sort of money .
22 When he struggled to find winners at the start of the season , the cries of gleeful recrimination reached a crescendo .
23 Due to sudden and unexpected problems the last Q.T. day had to have a shortened and condensed programme and it was not possible to provide tea at the end of the day .
24 Since this explanation does not actually require subjects to feel risk it would predict that subjects in this task would describe risks at the expense of other information , thus if many risky aspects of the film were described few non-risky ones would be .
25 In himself , Couples has the potential to displace Borg at the top of the pyramid of Great Baffled Victims of Success .
26 Domination of the Middle East had always been seen as an important element of British strategy since Nelson defeated Napoleon at the Battle of the Nile in 1798 ; and it remained so into the 1940s and early 1950s .
27 In the great days of Suleiman the Magnificent the sultan 's armies reached the gates of Vienna in 1529 , having already subdued Hungary at the battle of Mohács three years earlier .
28 McRae 's Subaru coughed like a grizzly bear , went sideways into the first of a thousand bends , spitting grit in lacerating force at a lot of spectators , as brave as the men they had come to admire then disappeared into the foreboding conifers of Grizedale Forest .
29 Far from being unnational or anti-national , ( Social Democracy ) places nations at the foundation of its world structure . ’
30 This work could eventually lead to better machine vision systems and optoelectronic neural integrated circuits that would literally enable parallel computers to process data at the speed of light .
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