Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] to [art] number of " in BNC.

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1 It is the unfinished nature of those parts dealing with the schemas of reproduction that has given rise to a number of controversies regarding the interpretation of them .
2 The question of who Bartle was has given rise to a number of theories and , as with most traditions , fact and fiction , legend and folklore have become inextricably intertwined .
3 The bi-centenary of the death of John Howard in 1990 has given rise to a number of commemorative events in varying parts of the world , of which this book is one .
4 The civil disturbances had given rise to a number of population movements within the urban area , with the result that many randomly selected households were burnt down , boarded up , or derelict .
5 These needs lead to a number of different database technologies which are represented on this slide , and the first one I 'd like to focus on is replication .
6 The centre also has access to a number of marketing-oriented databases that contain full-text market reports , company information and extracts from trade journals and the press .
7 I feel sure that this is a marvellous concept and should introduce people to a number of talented new artists .
8 It has interfaces to a number of products such as Cadam , I-DEAS and Unigraphics and is from $13,000 ; Fujitsu looks to sell 3,000 systems over three years .
9 Henderson 's early work , The Negro in Sports ( 1949 ) , contains references to a number of other slaves who followed Richmond and Molyneux to England where they campaigned as boxers , thus effecting an escape .
10 The Bibliography contains references to a number of texts on the subject .
11 His successor King John sold charters to a number of his barons which freed named woods and manors from the Forest law .
12 Responses to these questions will be varied , and each will give rise to a number of subsidiary questions .
13 By the time he left Liverpool in 1873 he had been appointed consulting and superintending engineer to a number of shipping companies , including the Flower Line , the Castle Line , and the Eastern Telegraph Company .
14 In the meantime , we will conclude by drawing attention to a number of serious weaknesses in the strategy on which it is based .
15 It gives me the opportunity not only of placing on the official record the Committee 's thanks to its staff for their work , not only of drawing to the attention of the House what I think is the first debate on community care to be initiated in the Chamber which is not part of a debate on another measure , but also of drawing attention to the number of firsts that we score with this report and debate .
16 In many cases , people owe money to a number of creditors and like Jeff , they do n't think there 'll be a time when they ca n't pay their debts .
17 Ambiguity remains because most word positions give rise to a number of alternative candidate words .
18 The details of the theory give rise to a number of testable predictions which are the basis of five interrelated experimental studies .
19 Localized zones of compressional and tensional stress are common along strike-slip faults and they give rise to a number of distinctive landforms .
20 In late June Hrawi and Hoss paid visits to a number of Gulf States including Bahrain , Qatar , Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates .
21 This greeting will ring hollow to a number of people in the auction business : 1991 opens on a somewhat shattered world for a number of employees of the two main auctioneers , Sotheby 's and Christies .
22 A leads B to a number of different textures .
23 However , these improvements have drawn attention to a number of shortcomings which also require attention .
24 Sellers have to gear prices to a number of key factors , such as :
25 It has been suggested that she had a secret , ironic intention , but I doubt it : she wished to give souvenirs to a number of people , and that there should be no cause for jealousy between them — though I am told that jealousy arose .
26 These authors draw attention to a number of methodological problems as well as to difficulties of interpretation and theory .
27 It may mean that a neonatal intensive care unit , after careful reflection , rather than emotional appeals and ‘ shroud-waving ’ , may have to give way to a number of other services , relating , for example , to the mentally ill , all of which can be financed for the cost of one such unit , which , in combination , will facilitate a measure of improvement in the patients ' conditions and their integration into society .
28 The Act gives power to the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry to delegate powers of regulation to the Securities and Investment Board , which in turn is responsible for delegating responsibility to a number of self-regulatory bodies governing practice in the securities market , insurance broking , fund management , provision of investment advice , and activities in futures and options .
29 Development begins with the fertilized egg , which is a single cell , giving rise to a number of smaller cells .
30 The chapter as a whole draws attention to a number of key methodological issues that are involved in environmental monitoring and prediction .
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