Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] to [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After Francis Bacon first drew attention to it in 1620 , there was endless speculation on the reason for the striking similarity in shape between the coastlines of Africa and South America .
2 The report says applications to mine at 652 new sites in England and Wales have been made this year .
3 Another problem is that if you 're trying to deal with other manufacturers in the way that we do , where we have this extremely close relationship and they are very reliant on our forward forecasts of volume , they feel if you have your own manufacturing plant that you would always give preference to it in bad times and the other suppliers would be the people to suffer if sales declined .
4 Because my hon. Friend looks so disconsolate , I will give way to him after all .
5 A group of thirty horsemen had come against Forteviot from the east an hour before , and had tried to set fire to it with burning arrows , and strike down the defenders with slingshot and spears .
6 do n't you dare talk to me like that Clare , I 've had enough
7 do n't you dare talk to me like that Clare , I 've had enough
8 Paying tribute to him before last night 's show , Mr Barraclough said the best thing about working with Les Dawson was the laughter .
9 In March 1991 , a bank as unpaid mortgagee had taken possession of the debtor 's business premises and he had not had access to them since that date .
10 In England the king claimed that all his subjects owed fealty to him in some degree , and in due course this came to conflict with the possibility of any of his vassals owing liege homage to any but the king .
11 What was she , that he could lay claim to her like this ?
12 In 1170 he had persuaded Marie , Viscountess of Bearn , to do homage to him for all her lands — and this included some estates which , theoretically speaking , were within the duchy of Aquitaine .
13 I pay tribute to him for first raising the subject of league tables for schools ' performances in the Bill that he introduced earlier in the year .
14 Alexander also did much to augment the common fund for resident canons at Lichfield , reserving pensions to it from several churches appropriated to monastic houses , securing the endowment of Lichfield 's sacristy and of chaplains celebrating masses to the Virgin , and continuing the rebuilding of Lichfield Cathedral begun by his predecessors .
15 ‘ You ca n't make love to me like that and then expect me to carry on as if nothing 's happened .
16 I could make love to you in any room in the house , ’ he grinned .
17 Many of our users are social historians , and we offer support to them at all stages .
18 We have to have returns to us at head office and to our French computer bureau , then we have to do the reconciliation between our bureau result and our Excel result .
19 How did you get word to them at that day ?
20 When the landlord 's agents and the militia arrived , the tenants offered the whole of next year 's rent in advance if only Mrs. Pedelty would leave them at peace ; it had taken half an hour to get word to her of this offer and to bring back her refusal Then they asked for compensation for the land they had cleared and she sent back to say if they persisted in the claim she would sue for dilapidation and waste .
21 Teams of workers deliver food to her at one end and collect eggs from the other .
22 Waksman records that the great American pharmaceutical firm of Merck established a fellowship in his department in 1938 for the study of industrial fermentation processes , and made grants to him from 1939 onwards for research into antibiotics .
23 The dock groaned beneath the combined weight of the town waving and singing goodbye to us in full ceremonial dress .
24 Discussions have been initiated and we hope that agreement will be reached with several colleges to devolve responsibility to them in 1989 .
25 PS I confirm our telephone conversation today when we agreed to make payment to you within 21 days of the last drop .
26 PAMELA : Why do you impute jealousy to me on this score ?
27 You 've decided you would like to make love to me after all and what better way to do it than trying to win your way into my bed with flattery ? ’
28 How then does he explain to himself why his first wife refused to consummate their marriage for months , and why his second — Mandy whom he first seduced when she was just 14 — should only have agreed to make love to him on four occasions during their marriage ?
29 ‘ You thought I had tried to make love to you despite this supposed betrothal . ’
30 It was clearly meant to provide serious training , and d'Hauterive even cherished the vain hope of being able to admit students to it by competitive examination .
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