Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [v-ing] [adv prt] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 2 Select a patient who has difficulty breathing in the post-operative period .
2 Only a few answers are actually printed of course , and we endeavour to choose questions ranging over a large area .
3 I could actually feel Dawn ripping up the dead creatures as she sat on my fist and the blood was soaking through my glove .
4 In the case of photography , you may spend hours poring over a light box choosing the ideal photograph from a sheaf of contact negatives .
5 Already he 's spent more than £100 on chicken wire and spent hours collecting up the various fillings .
6 Dot woke when she heard Gloria coming down the clanky metal steps outside , heard her stumble her way across the room , and then felt herself being pushed to the far side of the bed .
7 The proprietor has spent years building up a remarkable cellar of aged Riojas , which lie side by side with the best that Burgundy and Bordeaux have to offer .
8 Being of a so-called good family does n't mean much these days , and the sort of money required to keep things ticking over a few years back does n't get you anywhere now .
9 TRAP TWO : Running up big bills on credit cards means you 'll have trouble paying off the full debt when the statement arives .
10 You 'd be better off spending time seeking out the great women of your own day , young man ; turn off that radio .
11 When he saw Topaz climbing down a rough slope he brought Nero to a halt , an overwhelming surge of life running through him as if he were being born anew .
12 The Easter Handicap Race of 1913 once again saw Jack winning over a 10 mile cross country course , once again flying his beloved Farman .
13 First , the financial year has just ended and not all the figures are available , Secondly , the department appears to have trouble digging out the relevant information even when it applies to previous years .
14 ‘ I simply have n't got time to spend hours slaving over a hot stove — I 'd rather be out playing with the children or getting out and about , but I do try to make sure we eat well . ’
15 He could see slanting light pointing up the brave thrust of her breasts , emphasising the marvellous trough of her waist above the firm swell of her nates .
16 It can come from dust between the stars , but distant quasars and other active galaxies produce powerful infrared emission from their cores , which probably contain gas swirling round a massive black hole .
17 GRAHAM Gooch 's record-breaking feat was not enough to prevent England messing up a match-winning position in the sixth Cornhill Test yesterday .
18 When the hue and cry died down , there was nothing Charlton could do to prevent Lawrence taking on a new challenge .
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