Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [v-ing] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This week she spent looking after Paddock Sportsline and their other emergent horses so that Linda could earn money working as a stable girl in Ted Edgar 's stables .
2 A similar concession will operate where the payment made by the discretionary trustees is not within TA 1988 s.687(2) , but constitutes income arising from a foreign possession ( eg where non-resident trustees exercise their discretion outside the UK ) provided the trustees ( a ) submit trust returns , supported by the relevant income tax certificates , which detail all sources of trust income arising and payments made to beneficiaries ; and ( b ) pay the additional rate tax chargeable on the UK income of the trust in accordance with TA 1988 s.686 .
3 It is a strange sight now to see vegetables growing on the pure white substrate .
4 But the official opening on December 2 was the first time outsiders had been allowed to see Tencel rolling off the spinning lines .
5 In December 1989 Kececiler 's faction persuaded the government to increase budget spending on the Religious Affairs Department by almost 240 per cent .
6 If managerial functions are to be carried out both efficiently and effectively , then it is a prerequisite that high quality information is available to inform decision making at the various managerial levels .
7 Some time later I heard a chink of glass and looked up to find Dennis sitting at a nearby table with a half-empty bottle of chilled rosé .
8 The candidate and unit enrolment data is cumulative in that , for example , the courses enrolled for in 1991–2 will include the new Batch 2 courses first validated for that year — but will also include candidates enrolling for the second cycle of Batch 1 , the third cycle of Phase 2 pilots , etc .
9 We rode on to the moors and found Linton lying in the same place as before .
10 After trudging disconsolately round a few bars , I went back to our cheap hostel , where to my relief I found Dana snoring in the double bed we were to share .
11 Most vulnerable to competition are the short sea-crossings ; ferry lines operating in the western Channel or North Sea remain sanguine .
12 He saw several lave nets lying in an untidy heap on the sand where the fishermen had obviously dumped them in their haste to inspect their colleagues find .
13 The University dated from the opulent heyday of expansion and was now slightly grubby and tatty , mortared cracks grinning between the white oblongs under their urban plaque .
14 Barnardo 's also has workers focussing on the particular needs of families facing both haemophilia and HIV .
15 Her brightly rouged cheeks crinkling into a fine network of wrinkles as she showed large yellow teeth .
16 fjortoft has not scored a single goal in the premiership yet ( he kept them coming at a very steady rate at rapid vienna ( under manager Hans Krankl — one of my favorite strikers — favorite striker of all times has to be Der Bomber , Gerd Muller , who scored something like 60 goals in 50 internationals ! did he in fact score against us in our 2–0 defeat vs Bayern Munich ? ) ) — i guess Fjortoft has problems adjusting to the english play and swindon is not the best of teams anyway .
17 Known locally as the Kenwood Triangle , Bishop 's Avenue has properties starting at a million pounds and rising to the £25 million asking price of the vast , newly-built Towers .
18 The equivalent , I suppose , of someone who loves chocolate falling into a big vat of the stuff and unhurriedly eating their way out !
19 LLANRWST : Bob Parry wish to report an entry of 1,039 fat lambs hoggets and ewes , 36 fat cattle and barren cows , lambs a steady trade throughout averaging 119.81p , fat cattle a very fast trade with insufficient to meet demand resulting in an overall average of 147.24p , barrens selling up to 127p , with an overall average of 110.38p .
20 All this , say people living in the nearby village of Watchfield , make the college a prime terrorist target .
21 It starts pattern knitting at the first point cam .
22 A 45-FOOT dinosaur which lived 200 million years ago may have had eight hearts , say scientists writing in the medical journal Lancet .
23 The next afternoon found Kate lying on a lounger beside a pool in the Algarve .
24 On the other hand Atrakhasis has man toiling from the first , has no single " Adam " , no separate making of woman , no Eden , and no Fall — in fact no moral teaching at all .
25 If taxes are needed to pay for government spending , why do we need government spending in the first place ?
26 ‘ Secondary data also provide information relating to a wide variety of different aspects of international operations .
27 Management need these systems in order to help them establish sustainable goals and to provide information relating to the long-term decisions of the organisation .
28 In the last issue of the Journal , J Wildig mentioned steam working on the Cambrian Line .
29 The use of private mobile radio by airport catering organisations has benefits arising from the large distances which must frequently be covered between the airport buildings and the aeroplanes which have to be supplied with food before departure .
30 These programs provide facilities ranging from the essential to the virtually useless depending on your point of view .
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