Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [prep] the [adj] [det] " in BNC.

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1 But although the educational services were supplied to only a few inmates , several of these were undertaking advanced work : three had completed BAs over the past few years , another an MA , and nine were embarking upon university degrees by correspondence .
2 This makes it easier to lose weight in the first few weeks , at a rate which can be up to 4lb per week .
3 ‘ It is possible that a slow economic recovery and lower beef prices will coincide to increase consumption in the next few years but in the wake of consumer scares , such as BSE , the market needs a push .
4 it is this ‘ discreditation ’ of the object which has dominated art for the last half century — it all goes back to Monet !
5 Most gliding clubs have a system of re-checking pilots during the first few hours of solo flying , but then pilots are left very much to their own devices to improve their soaring techniques .
6 They were relaxed , joking amongst themselves ; it was a relief to be on a march where they did n't expect trouble after the last few weeks of demonstrations and violence .
7 The Queen , who is due to visit Balmoral in the next few weeks , was immediately informed of her mother 's condition .
8 I have visited Southampton within the past few days to see what had become of one of the subsidiaries there Hampshire Bus .
9 But I hardly like to tell you about the disaster that befell Angela within the next few minutes .
10 No one who contemplates the brutal war that has racked Croatia over the last few months can do so without a deep feeling of sorrow and shame : sorrow that such devastation and misery should disfigure our continent in 1991 , and shame that we have been unable to do anything to halt the carnage and destruction .
11 ‘ Look , Cand , are you going to tell me what the heck you 're talking about , or do I have to play riddle-me-ree for the next few hours ? ’
12 As he set off for the airport Lewis remembered that he had told Adam from the first that only trouble could come from a person of his youth and inexperience inheriting a big house and land of the dimensions of Wyvis Hall .
13 ‘ Those who might be safe would be still looking to win games in the last few weeks to improve their position . ’
14 Staff who would like to use the service should contact Colin Will , who will provide training over the next few weeks .
15 Excitement swept back into the chess world in September this year with the return after a 20 year self imposed exile by the American former world champion Bobby Fischer .
16 Imprinting usually takes place in the first few days after birth .
17 The screening takes place in the coming few months in the next stage of a three-year programme .
18 Yeah , but it makes it very difficult , if you got a play off , it gets , if you get people on the same same score
19 This algorithm is incremental because it creates clusters from the first few data , and these early clusters can be used at once , even though they may be improved during later learning .
20 The severe storms that have affected Britain in the last few years may be linked with sea-surface temperatures which have been fractionally higher than the long-term average .
21 Success followed success for the next few years but no races were held in 1888 and 1890 and the revival in 1891 was the beginning of another era with new builders entering the field although Lee 's still took an interest in events for in 1900 their steamboat " Lee " dressed overall took 80 members of the firm to see the Medway Barge Race .
22 Immigration officials will be conducting interviews over the next few days .
23 Many children develop allergies in the first few weeks or months of life , and often these improve as the years go by .
24 You can do this on Midland machines simply by pressing the appropriate button , And in some of our branches there are machines where you can use your card to see details of the last few account transactions or print out a short-form statement .
25 In a terse statement the board of directors said it had ‘ considered the Great Britain management set-up and individual talks will take place over the next few days before a formal announcement is made ’ .
26 In a terse statement the board of directors said it had ‘ considered the Great Britain management set-up and individual talks will take place over the next few days before a formal announcement is made ’ .
27 Or it may be that you are not introducing enough variety in your activities , either always doing things in the same few ways , or else doing the same activity for too long a time at one stretch .
28 Some people may suggest that the absence of Ireland 's top three drivers might actually be a good thing for Cork , making it a much more competitive event , but it will do little to improve the profile of a rally that has been losing ground for the past few years .
29 Mr Major said that not only had the Budget extended the export credit guarantee scheme but : ‘ Mr Lamont has also cut premiums over the last few months by as much as 27 per cent to help exporters . ’
30 John Bond 's side never got a look in as Quakers took command in the first half hour .
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