Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [noun sg] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 Children may be given tetanus vaccination in the first few weeks of life and its importance is underlined by its inclusion in the primary recommended vaccination schedules which begins at two months .
2 This would especially be the case , it would seem , if a company were contemplating a move to total quality control for the first time .
3 When the future Cardinal Richelieu entered government service for the first time in 1616 he found available so little essential documentation on foreign policy that he had to ask French representatives abroad to send him copies of the instructions they had been given : without this he could not know even what the policies of his immediate predecessor had been .
4 Belgian hotshot Florence Descampe tasted US victory for the first time when she defied the cream of the LPGA Tour to win the Stratton Mountain Classic in Vermont .
5 West Dorset District Council , for instance , was refusing to house people evicted from winter-lets unless they qualified for housing prior to entering such accommodation , even though in this case they would presumably have sought council accommodation in the first place ( Larkin 1979 ) .
6 Individuals paying maintenance receive tax relief on the first £1,720 of payments to a divorced or separated spouse ; other maintenance payments , including any to children , do not qualify for tax relief .
7 well I did do stat view in the first year but not very much
8 Present Laughter would have made theatre history as the first production to go from Belfast into the West End .
9 The discontent was brought into the capital by the arrival in 1932 of some 15 000 unemployed " Veterans " ( i.e. men who had seen army service in the First World War ) .
10 An exhibition round : Arkle leads Mill House on the first circuit .
11 Therefore , if you had a £20,000 mortgage and wanted to raise a further £8,000 for home improvements , you could only claim tax relief on the first £20,000 .
12 There have also been symbolic measures ( such as restoring pay beds in NHS facilities ) , minor cuts ( such as withdrawal of supplementary benefits in vacations for students ) , some marginal privatization ( from 1986 employers were made responsible for paying sickness benefit for the first 28 weeks of an employee 's absence from work ) , tougher criteria ( people have to be ‘ actually seeking work ’ to be entitled to receive unemployment benefit and since 1 988 housing benefit is paid to fewer households ) , and an increase in the numbers relying on private medical insurance ( from 4 to 8 per cent since 1979 ) .
13 The European Court of Justice ( ECJ ) , overruling UK legislation for the first time , ruled on July 25 that the UK Merchant Shipping Act 1988 contravened EC law .
14 The long-established tendency for national populations to become more concentrated in large metropolitan centres and their surrounding hinterlands was found to be interrupted , if not broken : major cities were losing population not just from their older inner areas but from their whole city regions , while more remote rural areas with a history of depopulation began to record population growth for the first time for decades ( Morrison and Wheeler , 1976 ; Vining and Strauss , 1977 ; Vining and Kontuly , 1978 ; Brown and Wardwell , 1980 ; Fielding , 1982 ) .
15 ‘ I only get tax relief on the first £30,000 , so that has remained the same .
16 Mr Robin Cook , shadow Health Secretary , said : ‘ We could not have chosen a better issue to put centre stage for the first televised session of Parliament . ’
17 Over half of all patients developed a clinically import nt complication in the first 100 operations ( 52% ) ; this figure has now fallen to 25% in the last 68 operations .
18 She went onto the Sunday Times hardcover bestseller list for the first time .
19 We need to fight drug addiction in the first instance and I do n't want to give people the paraphernalia to continue using drugs . ’
20 Similarly in Britain all the major parties changed their voting procedures in the 1960s and 1970s either to democratize leadership succession for the first time ( in the Conservative party ) or to broaden the franchise used to select leaders away from MPs to include party organizations outside Parliament ( in the case of Labour and the Liberals ) .
21 Kevin Keegan is ready to wheel and deal to keep Newcastle top of the First Division but Peacock is not for sale .
22 Chris Lightfoot scored two in three minutes to overcome a seventh-minute deficit at Rochdale and put Chester City into the first round of the Leyland Daf Trophy .
23 The company plans to add Motif support in the first half of 1994 and communications support via TCP/IP by the second half of 1994 .
24 The company plans to add Motif support in the first half of ‘ 94 and comms support via TCP/IP by the second-half of 1994 .
25 The Railway Inspectorate gave safety clearance for the first section of the 20-mile network just 27 months after design and construction started , although the opening was postponed several times because of engineering problems , staff training and general fine-tuning .
26 If you are claiming this , when you remortgage , you will only receive tax relief on the first £30,000 — a loss worth considering before you take the plunge .
27 Why did saving collapse in the first place ?
28 The Central Statistical Office has beefed up output figures for the first three quarters of 1992 , as a result of revised figures showing farm production in the first three quarters averaged 5 per cent more than originally estimated .
29 He pays £50 cash for the first month 's rent .
30 It was in the corresponding race last year , held at Gateshead , that she returned to top class competition for the first time since giving birth to daughter Rachel .
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