Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [prep] the [num ord] world " in BNC.

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1 With this announcement the powers which had occupied and divided Germany after the Second World War effectively accepted the inevitability of early German unification , although the statement contained no indication of the four powers ' preferred timetables for unification or for the two-plus-four negotiations .
2 The distinctive characteristic of these writers was their belief in progress : the belief , in particular , that the system of international relations that had given rise to the First World War was capable of being transformed into a fundamentally more peaceful and just world order ; that under the impact of the awakening of democracy , the growth of the ‘ international mind ’ , the development of the League of Nations , the good works of men of peace or the enlightenment spread by their own teachings , it was in fact being transformed ; and that their responsibility as students of international relations was to assist this march of progress to overcome the ignorance , the prejudices , the ill-will , and the sinister interests that stood in its way .
3 The reformers go on to argue that taxes on farming , the main activity in the South , have distorted economies of the Third World .
4 The rise of State intervention in the social sphere prior to 1914 has been acknowledged as marking the beginnings of the process of greater involvement which was to find expression in the Second World War .
5 Try to relate events to the Third World .
6 And in fact , I think in recent years what we know as the third world is the fourth , because those oil producing countries in the third world retained the status of being third and everyone got pushed to the fourth .
7 Further north , in Poland , extensive Romanesque work in stone and/or brick was carried out , but much of this has been altered through the centuries and the limited remains suffered damage in the Second World War .
8 He became increasingly concerned that the monarchical regime of Kaiser Wilhelm II , which committed Germany to the First World War , was over-dominated by military and bureaucratic interests at the expense of the national interest .
9 Rhee had persistently sought recognition during the Second World War and badgered the American State Department frequently .
10 In industries of all types , ranging from textiles to automobiles and electronics , multinational corporations have transferred work to the Third World by setting up plants where cheap labour performed the most labour-intensive sub-processes in manufacturing .
11 While there is no convincing evidence that the TNCs can bring salvation to the Third World , in many poor countries the TNCs are seen as responsible for the only bright spots in the economy and society .
12 The British Executive Service Overseas ( BESO ) is looking for volunteers with skills to work overseas , training people in the Third World , particularly chefs .
13 Uncle Vernon , goaded by the presence of the traveller with the skin grafts , had ruined the festive meal with recollections of his march across France and an encounter in a partially demolished farmhouse outside Lille with a white-haired woman of thirty who as a small child had suffered atrocities in the First World War .
14 Many of these buildings which survive are in northern France and suffered bombardment in the First World War , but all are well restored to the original design .
15 Many at all levels of the movement , who were too young to have had experience of the First World War , were nevertheless affected by its indirect effects .
16 It moved from Greenwich in 1933 to new premises built on an estate provided by ship owner Gifford Sherman Reade in gratitude for the work of the Royal Navy in safeguarding shipping during the First World War .
17 What is left over often goes hack to the Third World .
18 Nevertheless , as the following studies indicate Soviet officials have regarded neutralisation in the Third World as a pragmatic compromise at best .
19 Despite his words suggesting solidarity with the Third World , Ceauşescu 's initial actions as maker of Romania 's foreign policy were designed to build bridges to the West .
20 However , the means by whieh TNCs make profits in the Third World are a legitimate area of interest .
21 Family planners used to be condemned as lackeys of US imperialism who wanted to suppress the dark threatening hordes of the Third World poor .
22 New Zealand continued to build stations after the Second World War .
23 Much of the chemical knowledge , expertise and resources needed to solve problems in the Third World already exists .
24 For example , the TNCs that control the world grain trade are criticized if they do not sell grain to the Third World , and they are criticized if they do .
25 Together these alterations in domestic and international societies would make wars like the First World War impossible .
26 This sends money to the Third World .
27 Bourgeois literature was unequivocally condemned on three counts : first , for its failure to voice opposition to the First World War , a failure in other words to disclose the true reality of the war as an imperialist struggle ; secondly , for its refusal to offer an accurate depiction of the Soviet revolution , a failure explained as the cowardly refusal of the bourgeois writer to disclose the deepening crisis of capitalism after 1929 , a crisis highlighted by the success of the five year plan in the Soviet Union ; finally , for its refusal to face up to the growing threat of fascism .
28 Coal-tar technology could not cope with the huge expansion in the chemical industry that took place after the Second World War .
29 In Latin America this occurred during the great wave of nationalizations which took place after the Second World War and involved dislocation from which some of the railways have never recovered .
30 Opponents claimed that HDZ policies were reminiscent of the fascist ustasha government which had ruled Croatia during the Second World War , and that it was receiving funds from ustasha emigré organizations .
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