Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [adj] from [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We want £23 million from the sale of council houses released to get construction going .
2 The auction house had expected £3 million from the sale — it got £10 million .
3 They rehearsed Act One from the top .
4 As my hon. Friend the Member for Oldham , West said , by the end of the decade , they will unilaterally have slashed £12 billion from the value of SERPS , transferring funds paid in by all of us for the future into private funds run solely for the benefit of the few .
5 In the last intermediate report of the group , published in June , 1988 , it was revealed that Cats alone had generated £250 million in the previous three years , and that Lloyd Webber had personally earned £12.5 million from the show .
6 If you have any serious claims to be a manager you must refuse to accept paperwork direct from the mail room .
7 Childebert I and Chlothar I ensured that Chlodomer 's sons did not succeed their father , and they tried hard to exclude Theudebert I from the throne .
8 The bill passed by the armed services committee of the House on July 31 cut $24,000 million from the administration 's request .
9 González announced on Jan. 16 that Argentina was to receive $3,000 million from the World Bank over 10 years for the restructuring of its financial system .
10 The consortium is seeking $5.2 million from the Department of Energy for the research and for structural alterations to SSRL involving the addition of two beam-lines .
11 Today it is a restaurant specialising in several different ways of cooking fish fresh from the lake .
12 The chief of the Environmental Protection Agency , Anne McGill Burford pledged $33 million from the agency 's $1600 million ‘ superfund ’ , which was created in 1980 to finance the clean up of hazardous waste dumps .
13 I can tell the hon. Gentleman with the full authority of my office and my responsibility for the programme that if one cuts £6 billion from the defence budget no defence job in the country will be safe .
14 The existing money includes £25 million from the department , about £19 million from the NHS Management Executive , and a much smaller amount through the Medical Research Council .
15 erm If you further make things difficult from the point of view of actually banning imports of timber from Uganda you may in fact be able .
16 BOGUS aristocrat Rosemary Aberdour was back at the Old Bailey yesterday in danger of having her sentence for stealing £2.7 million from a hospital charity increased .
17 In the face of the administration 's intense opposition , it cut $900 million from the amount requested by Bush , allocating $3,500 million for SDI , and also insisting that the emphasis of the programme was altered from research into space-based interceptors ( the " brilliant pebbles " concept ) to ground-based rockets and lasers .
18 Above all , fidelity to the " open justice " principle keeps Britain free from the reproach that it permits " secret courts " of the kind which have been instruments of repression in so many other countries .
19 The Queen gets £7.9 million from the list , the Queen Mother picks up £643,000 and Philip gets £359,000 .
20 In Germany employers gain area 2 from the employment of migrant workers , while in the UK employers lose an amount equivalent to the areas 3 + 4 .
21 In addition to cutting $1,600 million from the administration 's $5,200 million SDI request , the subcommittee voted to transfer authority over $858 million in ground-based " theatre missile defence " programmes from the SDI Organization to a new office run by the army .
22 Dropped from the bill was the proposal presented on Oct. 31 by Democrats Les Aspin ( Wisconsin ) and Sam Nunn ( Georgia ) , respective chairmen of the House and Senate armed services committees , to divert $1,000 million from the Defence Department budget to help the Soviet Union combat hunger and demilitarize its economy .
23 If the buyer disposes of the goods within one of the exceptions to the nemo dat principle ( see Chapter 5 ) , the innocent sub-purchaser obtains title free from the seller 's lien .
24 This removes NO 2 from the stratosphere and allows chlorine-catalysed ozone destruction to proceed .
25 The Yale University Art Gallery has received $10 million from the widow of Senator John Heinz III of Pennsylvania .
26 Naked women cycled energetically round an indoor track as spectators placed bets on which of them would reach orgasm first from the rubbing of clitoris on saddle .
27 However , there is a further provision by virtue of which an innocent sub-purchaser may acquire title free from the seller 's lien , section 47 .
28 Those who saw Paul VI from a distance heard only his increasingly strangulated voice and apparently complaining tone .
29 Many interviewers , however , work for more than one company , which makes it hard for any individual company to implement standards different from the rest .
30 JOHN Major is ready to unlock £1 billion from the sale of council houses to ease the plight of council tax payers , it emerged last night .
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