Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [adj] [art] [noun sg] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She had taught Alexandra all the history she knew from an intensely Scottish point of view , and French with a cramped and ladylike accent .
2 She promised Louis all the money she had earned , and asked him to go to his cousin who would contact the SOE reseau .
3 Hayley muttered epithets all the while they were working , but she was too ill to protest strongly .
4 Although this meant the withdrawal of the Prussian garrison , it did not give Napoleon III the territory he had sought , and with it the frontier rectification in France 's favour .
5 You wo n't have any trouble with her , Mike , so give Patrick all the back-up he needs and both mark the hell out of Randy . ’
6 Stamford had promised to give Burden all the help they could and they were as good as their word .
7 ‘ When you are handling food all the time it puts you off . ’
8 Helen fetched her bag and gave Nicola all the money she was carrying .
9 These resource ideas are clearly presented , and offer teachers all the information they need about appropriate level , time , preparation , materials , classroom management , monitoring , and follow-up activities .
10 It also gave Henry V the chance he needed .
11 John White , loaner of the kit , had given Tony all the instruction we possessed on how to use them .
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