Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] different [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You need to be familiar with the type of glider you are flying because each needs slightly different angles of bank and behaves differently when side-slipping .
2 Other miscellaneous recommendations were offered , including the provision of adequate religious instruction and positive guidance on sexual behaviour , the extension of the school day for older pupils , and the establishment of an experimental building programme ‘ to try out different forms of school organisation and teaching methods in buildings designed for the purpose ’ .
3 Being a temp gives you a good chance to try out different types of work before committing yourself to a permanent job , and also to size up the different companies .
4 The two modes have the same symmetries as the two derived from the internally symmetric PH 3 stretches , but they involve quite different types of motion .
5 All these references , but most obviously the second and especially the third , are potentially sociological , but they involve very different kinds of analysis from the tracing of direct relations of content or of form .
6 In spite of the attractions , Guide has not adopted this uniform approach , mainly because unifying rather different types of object does not make for simplicity .
7 The areas chosen for the case studies — in Lombardy and Emilia — are intended to reflect very different patterns of modernisation ; the first , relatively slow and perhaps therefore politically stable ; the second , remarkably rapid and perhaps therefore producing class polarisation and a high level of political militance expressed through the passage from socialism to fascism , and then to communism .
8 In particular , indirect attempts to uncover the phenomenon have been made by Crenson and others , but these have tended to founder on the difficulties of separating the notion of a ‘ latent issue ’ , for which one relies on observation of declared but otherwise undeveloped wishes of significant actors , from that of ‘ real interests ’ , which introduces altogether different problems of method , and of course takes one completely out of the field of behaviourism .
9 But when consumers have a choice which includes widely different types of credit arrangements , it may often be more sensible for them to give more weight to the total cost of credit or the amount of each instalment .
10 This made it possible to group together different types of service ( InterCity 's identity was first established on this basis ) and look at their costs and revenues in a sensible manner .
11 This is a worthwhile approach , though one should bear in mind that different mutagens give qualitatively different kinds of mutation .
12 Manometric and electrophysiological studies of intestinal myoelectrical and motor activity in patients with pseudoobstruction have shown clearly different patterns of activity in those with disorders of the enteric nervous system compared with those with muscle disease .
13 In such cases , the two sections often exhibit markedly different levels of variability .
14 Field men again adopt very different standards of tolerance , depending on the nature of their patch .
15 So the first stage of identifying modern multimedia is to focus on its power to draw together different forms of communication , smoothly integrating them within a digital environment , and providing access to the stored information using computer systems which are fast , friendly and , above all , interactive .
16 Alizarin red S can differentiate slightly different types of calcite : for example , different kinds of bioclasts stain with differing intensities depending on their crystallite size and structure .
17 On the one hand , there is certainly a resistance to change and to new ideas ; academics appear quite happy to continue teaching the same old syllabuses as if there had been no ‘ explosion ’ ( Dr P 's word ) in English studies ; at the same time , there is no resistance to allowing other people within the same department to teach quite different things to students , and to do quite different types of research .
18 This approach requires very different kinds of investment , unlikely to save institutional funds overall , although it will shift funds towards areas such as networking infrastructure .
19 Just as Bakhtin , somewhat scandalously , traces the rise of the novel back to the romances and adventure narratives of Hellenistic Greece , so it may be useful , if equally scandalous , to think of film and television narratives as forward projections of the same novelistic discourse into new media using radically different technologies of transmission and reception .
20 First a by now familiar digression via the early modern , where we find rather different conceptions of sameness and sexual difference .
21 Two types of feature were surveyed and they required somewhat different accuracies of determination : nick points and terraces .
22 The children had a bag of homemade bricks , you know , all sawn up different blocks of wood and so they kept themselves amused with that .
23 Also in my job I learn to attractively set out different types of food and serve wine and champagne .
24 As to the leading reasons why they did not recycle , 37 per cent blamed a lack of collection points ; 25 per cent said they did not have enough space to store materials awaiting recycling ; 10 per cent found it too much trouble to separate out different categories of waste ; and 8 per cent cited shortage of time .
25 Note that we can not eradicate the modifier " pragmatically given " in these definitions : an utterance of ( 71 ) may have quite different implications of precision if said to a crane operator in contrast to a fellow surgeon .
26 Cycles of growth and childbearing produce markedly different states of appearance in women .
27 Musically , however , they have always been something of a mystery , flitting from style to style like a sort of rubbish Paul McCartney , cruising round different aspects of pop and soiling them .
28 The cosmic ray flux varies and the different materials around the laboratory can produce very different amounts of background neutrons from one place to another .
29 These combinations produce very different types of personality , and conflict can easily occur when people are using opposite ways of perceiving and making judgements .
30 The term ‘ participant observation ’ is commonly used to describe rather different sorts of research methods , and in the very diffuseness of methods used under this umbrella term there lies a danger .
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