Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] take [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There are also hopes that a live trade in slaughter cattle could be developed with other EC countries over 1994 — just as has already taken place with slaughter lambs to France .
2 Much experimentation has usually taken place before marriage — which then tends to be very long-lived , though it , too , may be dissolved when either party wishes it .
3 This shift to figural and postmodern films has also taken place in art cinema .
4 Research into speech recognition has traditionally taken priority over research into script recognition .
5 Furthermore , most schools are segregated by sex , and the building of boys ' schools has historically taken precedence over building girls ' schools .
6 Other abuses such as assaults tend not to take place in front of independent witnesses and proof will always be difficult .
7 That makes it clear that the public debt targets are not rigid , they can be ap applied flexibly to take account of unemployment .
8 He 'd obviously taken time over building up this little booklet explaining the stuff .
9 In relations between the two ‘ opposing systems ’ , conflict clearly took precedence over competition .
10 But it did not rule out taking milk from Milk Marque , the proposed replacement for the English and Welsh Milk Marketing Board , or from other co-operatives .
11 Waterskiing already takes place in lake 105 a few yards from the contested area .
12 They have developed a sliding scale charge so that organisations can get together to take advantage of bulk ordering and so save them some of the administration expenses .
13 Following a heated debate , Tendring district councillors voted not to take cash from council coffers to reduce the bills as suggested by Tory Bill Bleakley .
14 The movement may have been divided in this period , but these attacks did not take place without resistance and the value of collective action was learned .
15 Casual , individual violence was almost certainly more common than today but ‘ hooliganism ’ in the collective and contemporary sense did not take place at football matches .
16 These hapless people did not take flight in response to the spread of ‘ rumours of independence ’ .
17 Where people do not take part in politics , the study enquires whether this is due to satisfaction , hostility or apathy and in what circumstances people might come to take a more active part .
18 This also has implications for econometric models since most of the existing models do not take account of knowledge of published forecasts .
19 Like Lockwood they base their analysis on market and work situations , but they do not take account of status situation .
20 ‘ It 's difficult to say that you do n't take notice of criticism , because you ca n't avoid taking notice of it .
21 In any event the relevant figure should be reviewed regularly to take account of inflation .
22 Many analysts believed that Cedras and his colleagues had only taken charge in order to prevent themselves from being swept away by events , and some senior commanders had reportedly refused to join Cedras in the ruling junta .
23 It is a time for the Governments to act together to take charge of economics for the sake of the citizens that they , and only they , can represent .
24 No subjects reported having expected a memory test even though many of them had already taken part in Study 1 .
25 After acclamations before the Lateran Palace , like those that had already taken place in front of St Peter 's , the new pope went up to the principal part of the palace , called the Leonine presbyterium , and later celebrated with a banquet .
26 Girobank 's post-tax profit — calculated on a basis that does not take inflation into account — was £9million , unchanged on the first half of 1988 .
27 ( Luke : The account of the trial in Luke does not take place at night but in the morning .
28 Much care and restraint necessary from both partners to ensure intercourse does not take place around ovulation .
29 But while the choice is individual , it does not take place in isolation , but within a framework of given options .
30 Scientific research does not take place in isolation ; the communities within which new discoveries take place , and among whose members these discoveries are communicated , are recognisable social groups .
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