Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] her [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Rosa had been crying then , with the pieces of the plate her mother had tried to smash over her head in front of her at the table , and her mother had put the back of her hand to her daughter 's cheek , as if to test her for fever .
2 Once more the blue eyes moved over her body with appreciation , confusing yet exciting her at the same time .
3 She then attached a long lunging rein which she had brought coiled over her shoulder to Midnight 's noseband .
4 She did n't know why her lack of experience had thrown him so utterly , and she thought now that perhaps she did n't want to know .
5 Then a bomb blast devastated the theatre and wiped away her smile of anticipation .
6 ‘ Come on , ’ Annie drawls , glinting over her glass of beer , ‘ stop avoiding the issue , will you ?
7 Susan was tempted to remodel her dream image as ‘ Phyllis Dietrichsen ’ from Double Indemnity , flashing her jewelled anklet and casting off her used-up men like old cleanses , or ‘ Vivian Sternwood ’ from The Big Sleep , brushing aside her curtain of hair and trading innuendoes over cigarettes with Philip Marlowe .
8 At last she stepped over it and went down , half thinking it might snap off her leg in passing .
9 She sniffed them , wrinkled up her nose in disgust .
10 Chaman wrinkled up her nose in disgust .
11 Picking up her cup of cocoa , Rosie said , ‘ It was just an idea .
12 She wandered round the aisles , filling up her trolley with cheese , sliced ham and wedges of terrine , lingering over the huge butchery section , where the cuts of meat looked so different from those she was used to .
13 One scene involved her wandering round her house in vest and pants , but Roberts refused to shoot it unless the crew took their trousers off too .
14 Kāli threw down her bunch of ragwort and it landed , splayed out limply , on the top .
15 Leith threw over her shoulder in passing , and without pausing to knock she opened the door on her stride and went ‘ straight in ’ .
16 Mary handed over her parcel of food and treats which Kitty took with a happy nod , grateful for the saving kindness .
17 His name flowed off her tongue without effort or pain .
18 Above , the sculptor shows off her creation to zoo manager John Stronge and Corry Group 's Roger Corry .
19 Christina screwed up her face in distaste .
20 Iris screwed up her face in amusement and disbelief .
21 I am a woman , and also a writer who has used up her allotment of renown during her own lifetime ; and on those two grounds I do not expect much pity , or much understanding , from posterity .
22 Instead she threw back her head in laughter and said , " Next time he tries , open your mouth . "
23 He remembered what she was wearing at the disco on Saturday : a slippery , silver sort of dress that flowed around her body like oil .
24 ‘ That wo n't help , ’ a voice said gently as the back door slowly opened , and she flung up her head in shock .
25 Cindy Gallop has given up her career in theatre marketing and gone into advertising .
26 After another fond peep at his sleeping face , she crept out of the room , softly closed the door , and gathering up her skirt in order not to trip over the hem on the way down the stairs , swiftly retraced her steps back to the kitchen and Cissie .
27 Heat crept up her neck in spite of her rigid composure .
28 His mouth played on her face , brushing her throat , her eyes , moving over her skin like fire , back to her mouth again .
29 At that moment Sally knocked over her glass of wine .
30 Even in our short journey the taxi driver had spoken of the soukoyant , the witch who takes off her skin at night and flies about like a bat .
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