Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] he [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As we drew near he took a step forward shining his lantern with its green light above his head as if to give the driver the ‘ All Clear ’ .
2 In a letter to his friend Gottfried von Jacquin Wolfgang described how he attended a ball that evening , at which the cream of Bohemian society , including a bevy of attractive ladies , was present .
3 Before he was shot down he commanded a Hurricane squadron and was promoted
4 And when he came back he got a job in Marks and Spencer 's on the shop floor .
5 erm And erm when he came back after the war , he actually was so much involved on the parliamentarian side he had to leave Oxford during the war , but when he came back he built a school in the city which was actually in the Guildhall courtyard , it was built round the courtyard , and that remained a free school , for the city 's boys right up to the end of the 19th century .
6 When he came back he put a wrap round her shoulders .
7 As he came out he made a break for freedom spraying gas in the faces of his guards and hospital staff who rushed to help .
8 And a photographer told how he saw a girl of about six so severely burned that a fireman could not bring himself to treat her by dousing her with a hose .
9 While Marks 's inquiry into Inez 's disappearance was going on he had a call from a Colonel Armitage , son of the old lady Inez lived with before she married . ’
10 But Geoff , he do n't shout out or anything — he just waits for a bit till they finish their tea and then he shouts out ‘ Enjoy your tea then ’ , and as they look up he pisses a bit more and they go barmy . ’
11 We had to do this because some chucklehead had provided him with a typist 's chair on castors and every time the truck turned left he did a circuit of the flat-back , sending everybody else flying .
12 A witness in the Akers Way trial has told how he saw a car flip over and land upside down in a hedge in the crash in which five young people were killed .
13 He said a suggestion that he was a criminal overlord in Glasgow was nonsense and that he could not understand why he had a reputation as the godfather .
14 We can understand why he took a walk each evening .
15 Turning round he saw a litter of bones strewn among the furrows .
16 Every time he drove the big Volvo along those crowded motorways he knew that one random police check , one brush with another car , one moment of inattention would have a blue-capped officer leaning in his window , wondering why he wore a wig and a false moustache .
17 After being shown the red card as the players walked off he gave a TV interview allegedly slating some European referees , and now faces a possible ban from the game .
18 ‘ I remember once he took a house in Mallorca and , away from London , we had a very enjoyable time .
19 Within days of moving up he assumed a Farmer Giles accent , extra-shapeless trousers ( nothing is so sexless as an Englishman 's trousers ) , broken boots ( ‘ They do n't just let water in , they suck it in , ’ he said proudly ) , and most important , a bucket hat , of which he had a whole series .
20 My Boss says a man rings in with an upset stomach and you know either he means a hangover or else his brother managed to get him a ticket for Wembley .
21 ‘ He 's probably realised now he made a mistake , ’ said Rush .
22 Marx tries to get away from the idea of private property when discussing pre-capitalist social systems by using the phrase ‘ appropriation of nature ’ but in doing so he uses a word with the same root as ‘ property ’ .
23 Its base at Amboyna was overrun in 1623 and some of its garrison tortured to death in an episode Dryden reckoned would still be remembered when he wrote a play about it in a period of anti-Dutch feeling 50 years later .
24 As she looked down he felt a tug at the upper sail , and saw a flash of a wing .
25 Reaching up he felt a switch .
26 The same meticulous concentration appeared whenever he wrote a letter to the local paper .
27 Asked why he wrote a book that few are buying , an author will say : " I simply had to get it out of my system . "
28 I followed him , Lily , and then — I could n't believe it — I saw where he 'd a desk key hidden , so then I put the books down sudden , and bent double .
29 When we got there he got a letter to say the owner had fixed up for coal for Poole in Dorset .
30 When he visited Ottery in August 1793 his brothers reluctantly agreed to help him ; but some of the money they supplied was frittered away on the journey back to Cambridge , and when he got there he discovered a host of forgotten debts .
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