Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] i [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Er I u used like I did with the adds and
2 I do not know how I came through the next few months — but , yes , I do .
3 And er , if I was to put entries all the way across the top of this spreadsheet like this , and then , all the way across the bottom of the spreadsheet , do you know how I got to the bottom so quickly , by the way ?
4 No noise came so I peeked round the door .
5 The first thing that I noticed when I arrived in the dusty Managua airport , besides the tanks parked in the landing field , was an enormous poster of an unmistakable Daniel Ortega , clad in blue jeans and a cowboy shirt , holding an infant with an earring .
6 I honestly ca n't remember how I felt at the time — I think I was just shocked .
7 A dozen spills later I came across the Stigma note : Indicia are signs which create a certain presumption ( proof ) .
8 ‘ You know how I went to the Moon the other day .
9 Cos I know when I went to the warehouse
10 Both rods back out I piled in the remainder of the bulk bag ( about 950 boilies ) and sat back in anticipation .
11 ‘ When I got out I looked at the car and the lorry and I just could n't believe it .
12 I 've had to go back up in to him , yeah , but I do n't know what happened last night , I do n't know whether he was not quite tired enough , erm , he must of got up as soon as I put him down and started sort of moaning then I went into the girls and I sorted them out he started screaming he did , so I had to go to him in and lay him down and making him lay down
13 After the phone went down I sat in the garden like a very old terracotta gargoyle .
14 When we began to slow down I knocked on the door .
15 I did n't at the time know where to , but when I had only about two months to go I too was posted , to Scampton near Lincoln , and who was the first person I saw when I booked into the Waaf Guard Room ?
16 Practically the first thing I saw when I got off the train and walked along those roads again was Hairy Back and his dog , the Great Dane .
17 This hypothesis was roughly confirmed by what I saw when I came to the quayside , or what had been the quayside when the lake existed .
18 I , I did n't I came off the council at that time and er I became the president of the gathering .
19 Erm Other areas in which I 've lived in I lived in the in an area in Hull , where the whole of this inner city area was revitalized simply by giving things new front doors and new gutters and drainage and tidying up the small gardens that there were , and providing things such as railings .
20 junior Colts , sorry junior Colts , and he said erm ah had a bit of a roll at the beginning and then towards the end now we 've sort of lost loads in a row so I said , he said alright I said about the same with us then I was , so I said it 's cold and he said mm yes it is rather .
21 With the rough timbers pushed wide I got behind the bullock and sent him on to the opening .
22 I have described how I looked in the mirror and , seeing myself ‘ in the flesh ’ did not recognise myself .
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