Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] the [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In such fields a double need arises : to harmonise licensing requirements for companies intending to carry on the activities in question , and to establish essential standards for the prudential supervision of companies providing financial services .
2 Is it threatened , or do sufficient financial and manpower resources become available to carry on the thrust of research ?
3 It is a natural development to use further reservoirs or special settling tanks to carry on the process of clarification , to remove substantially all the solids in suspension .
4 We have just been informed by Mr R. Warner of Photomatic Limited that the business ceased in August 1991 , but he has made arrangements with another company to carry on the photo-printing of Litho copies .
5 parents should always arrange if possible for their children to see old people of marked interest in their lives , so as to carry on the links of tradition
6 Friends talked the matter over far into the night and then went home , to their families or to the loneliness of dingy bed-sitting rooms , to carry on the debate in diaries and notebooks , poems and letters .
7 Strictly , the Revenue can argue that s343 does not apply until the hive-up agreement has become unconditional and been completed in accordance with its terms ( for example , the novating of liabilities and obtaining of third party consents ) , since s343 requires Newco to carry on the trade in succession to the transferor , not merely beneficially own it .
8 Civil servants are employed to assist ministers to carry on the business of government .
9 In any case , no head is powerful enough to carry effectively the sort of responsibility that the management of the National Curriculum , in the context of the rest of the Act , will bring .
10 ‘ If I did , ’ Mandeville snapped , ‘ the murderer would be hanging on the gibbet at Smithfield ! ’
11 Hanging on the hours like heliotropes
12 ‘ To this end we are pursuing NAMAS accreditation with all due speed and determination and expect to have the certificate hanging on the way by August 1993 . ’
13 Suddenly the memory of the négligé hanging on the door in Luke 's house and Elise 's painting in the corridor outside his room struck a chill .
14 HANGING on the wall at Ted Fletcher Court is a picture known as The Crying Boy .
15 We were led into a room , bare but for a desk , a chair , a row of helmets and a set of bulletproof vests hanging on the wall like carcasses .
16 Beautiful women , dressed in anything from the flamboyantly obvious to the understatedly elegant , weaved in and out of the crowds , some of them hanging on the arms of men old enough to be their grandfathers .
17 Once you have cast off several stitches , move the weight , so that it is actually hanging on the cast off edge .
18 She sees her wig and familiar clothing , dry now , still hanging on the backs of chairs to one side of a dead fire .
19 You know , this man who was hanging on the cross beside Jesus he had not been christened , he had n't been dedicated , he had never been to a confirmation class in his life , he had never been baptized , he had never been received into church membership he had never even gathered around the Lord 's table !
20 ‘ Even bringing down the charges to £4 means the council will be incurring a £40,000 loss .
21 Frankly I think from our colleagues in the conservative party should n't really be wasting our time here with these silly motions , erm what 's needed is if you 're gon na improve the housing situation in the city and in the country as a whole , we need to be allowed to use our capital receipts , all the ones we 've piled up , and we need to also inject money into the national economy to build new homes and incidentally to get the economy moving again and start bringing down the level of unemployment .
22 I decided to try the Power Tool in two ways : the first using a stack , with the amp set to full shred ; the second with a Vox AC30 on full tilt , but with the Power Tool bringing down the volume to bedroom level .
23 It is also a rather different exhibition conceptually : Alfonso Perez Sanchez , former Director of the Prado and co-organiser of the show , has declared that he wants the Spanish to get to know ‘ the real Ribera ’ , which means that he has whittled down the number of works .
24 The establishment of a core group of drawings to be used as a starting point for the attribution of other sheets on stylistic grounds remains the principal method of research and Mr Royalton-Kisch felt that the present exhibition has contributed to the furtherance of this work which , in the case of the British Museum , has whittled down the number of sheets from the 106 accepted by Benesch to eighty-four .
25 By Oct. 14 he had resigned himself to submitting merely the question of proxy voting by husbands to the seven-member Constitutional Council set up in 1989 .
26 If you live at any distance from medical help , or are not within easy reach of a telephone , it might be wise to add some ‘ activated charcoal ’ to the medicine cupboard , as it can slow down the absorption of poison .
27 The merger with the CBSI should slow down the fall in membership and thus the subscription base , though the eventual impact on reserves is hard to forecast .
28 John Houghton , director of the Meteorological Office and chair of the IPCC 's Working Group I , said that Thatcher 's programme , if repeated worldwide , would not stop the rise in temperatures , but would slow down the rate of increase .
29 Although the structure and powers of the new committee have yet to be decided , conservationists argue that the additional bureaucracy will slow down the process of designation , cost a lot of money , reduce the power of SNH and may result in designated sites losing their status .
30 A new drug which could slow down the onset of Aids in people infected with the HIV virus is undergoing trials in America .
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