Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [to-vb] [prep] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And something I have not seen anywhere else , though it makes good sense , is that in these mainly narrow streets , the shops have their signs strung out at right-angles across the way so that you can stand at one end and read their names from there , without having to go down to look at them one by one .
2 The urban poor tried valiantly to give to their dead a dignity they had scarcely known in life ; but the attempt often proved unavailing .
3 Sets of spaces found not to conform to their specified relationships can be redefined or repositioned in order to reestablish those relationships .
4 She tried not to think of her overdrawn bank account and the credit cards she must n't use .
5 Lorne tried feebly to stick to his final defence .
6 But that I 'm so glad you 've come here to see to his personal effects this way ?
7 For , while Léopold Senghor and Houphouet-Boigny were able to communicate with their political colleagues in Paris , they had nevertheless not forgotten how to communicate with their own people .
8 The defence described Rennie as ’ a kid who did n't know how to deal with his broken heart . ’
9 However , if you do not know how to pay for your next meal , you may not consider books cheap .
10 A Whalby and his son had been there for as long as anyone could remember and Dadda used sometimes to boast on his good days that Alfred Osborn Tace had himself been a customer and that Whalbys had re-covered the seats of the Hepplewhite chairs at Chesney Hall .
11 The Malleny Park side has yet to decide on its final line-up but will relish the opportunity to end the season in a flourish at home and push themselves into third position .
12 But he agreed not to complain about her market-minded vision of the Community and she not to bully him about France 's half-in , half-out position in NATO .
13 When the Military Service Act was introduced in January 1916 , the Labour Party Conference , while dissenting , agreed not to campaign for its reappeal , thus enabling the Party leader , Arthur Henderson , to remain in the Coalition Government .
14 If we are very angry or excited , we tend not to listen to what other people are saying .
15 and that that 's why the Americans came into the war , they did n't come into the war to look after us , they came in to look after their own interest in the
16 God might have oversight over the destinies of nations , for example , in times of war ; but individuals would do better to rely on their own foresight , and on such pressure on the state as could be exerted by groups organised to sustain collective interests .
17 Because you 're — mature enough to cope with my get-up-and-go , self-interested philosophy ? ’
18 Every few minutes , he would break off to apologise for his own cynicism .
19 The New Zealand and South African eights will do well to live with his mighty Wallaby pack in the weeks to come …
20 It is here irrelevant to decide whether the Roman generals learnt how to cry from their Hellenistic opposite numbers just as they learnt from them how to write autobiographical letters on their victories .
21 With play flowing from end to end , Boldon grabbed an equaliser through Peter Quinn , with Lee Philipson going on to slot in their second late in the second half .
22 It 's like he said , he said it 's a quote from , said I 'm going down to stay with him next month .
23 ‘ Thank you , ’ she said quietly , deciding not to protest at his reluctant gesture of chivalry .
24 Our chances of ending the war quickly would certainly be greatly increased if the battle were won ; but if we failed to win it , even after what had already been achieved , our victory would merely be postponed and not rendered impossible , especially if we resolved in good time not to persist with our useless efforts at Verdun , but to take the initiative of attack elsewhere .
25 The one who turned up to preside over my fiscal destruction was particularly dismal , a desolately unattractive woman in a pink cardie who looked like a sitting duck for household cleanser advertisements .
26 How might your boss react if you turned up to work in your best disco gear ?
27 He did , and with a relieved smile she turned back to talk to her new-found friends on her other side , and within half an hour , to Donal 's exasperated amusement , had quite a crowd round her , all vying with each other to tell her stories .
28 Choir , Orchestra , and Drama groups meet regularly to prepare for their main public performances .
29 It would not allow Palestinian goods to be exported westwards to compete against its own produce in the European market .
30 ‘ Throughout his eight and a half years as Labour leader he has shown the sort of courage in reforming the party which few politicians are capable of — and which , it must be said , John Major has never been called on to demonstrate in his effortless , virtually unchallenged glide through the great offices of state . ’
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