Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [vb pp] [verb] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And in this particular county one has only got to look to Ryedale who s I so far as I know is the only authority to have carried out a comprehensive survey of local housing needs .
2 Although the USA has always tended to look to education to solve its national problems , education in the UK has traditionally been viewed more as a benefit to the individual .
3 Bel always wanted to go to Mars . ’
4 Over the past five months , despite everything that has gone wrong with his adventure in Kuwait , he has calmly refused to bow to pressure , whether political , economic or military .
5 Since Collins has publicly vowed to emigrate to America if Labour wins the election , it could be seen as appropriate .
6 Suddenly , she wished she 'd never agreed to come to Rome , she wished —
7 However , I am assured by those who know that public persons — premiers in particular — do not become reconciled to criticism , and despite affecting not to be , they remain immensely conscious of what is being said and are troubled if what is said is not to their liking .
8 At one time he tried to assemble his thoughts in some way ; would it be better to go back to a law-office stool , with prospects of promotion , such as he had thankfully left to go to Glasgow , to Oxford , then to London ?
9 Previously the city soviets — their members drawn overwhelmingly from the CPSU — had effectively functioned according to directives from the city CPSU committees .
10 Nick — you 've only managed to talk to Paul Simpson , I think everybody 's gone and hidden themselves .
11 Mr Larkin says his suffering is worse for knowing that Gary had only agreed to go to Chorley at the last minute after two people , a man and a woman , had spoken separately to him on the phone .
12 Alan had obviously expected to return to university alone , once the fuss was over .
13 Remembering that philosophers of the seventeenth and eighteenth century had already assimilated thought to perception , this is not surprising .
14 If time permitted , separate releases might also be written on the firms which had already agreed to go to Tadchester .
15 Despite her parents ' invitation to Harry to stay with them in London while he was back in England , he 'd written to say that he had already promised to go to Bertie Alcott 's home in Cadogan Square .
16 On the other hand , the fact that some patients had already failed to respond to tricyclics before entering the trial might have introduced a bias against this class of drugs .
17 A few crew and individuals had already refused to go to war .
18 He had already considered returning to London in the closing stages of the war , but had thought better of it .
19 She had not wanted to talk to Finn but she could not help it when he came and sat on the counter .
20 She had not wanted to speak to Brian , but she had to speak to somebody , and she knew Scarlet would understand .
21 Earlier French governments had not felt drawn to Russia .
22 It had not gone according to plan .
23 I think I 've finally managed to come to terms with that débâcle . ’
24 — I 've always wanted to go to London , I told you before .
25 ‘ I 've always wanted to go to Hawaii .
26 ‘ We 've always preferred to starve to death on one peanut , you mean ? ’
27 I 've always tried to happen to life ; but it 's time I let life happen to me .
28 there 's nowt for a meal , you 've still got to go to Coplands
29 Alyssia wondered how she had ever managed to come to places such as this and accept it as part of everyday life .
30 I got to , Benguiat 's girlfriend and told her the whole story and told her to explain to Benguiat and calm him down and he had like threatened to come to Parkinson 's speech and disrupt it and scream liar and things like that at him .
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