Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [coord] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The 27 finalists are listed below and at the time of going to press they are poised for the grand final in London .
2 I settled in pretty quickly , though suffering a bit from culture shock and more from the realisation that I was semi-illiterate in the Thai language : I had the ability to communicate verbally but at a child 's level and almost no ability to read .
3 He says we 've had alot of people round looking at the garden and alot of the Chelsea pensioners have been looking in and at the sign above the door and saying ’ Ah yes , I think I know that person ! . ’
4 It is dorsal in position , lying above and at the side of the fore intestine and its structure is described in a wide variety of types by Cazal ( 1948 ) , two common arrangements being shown in Fig. 63 .
5 Fall down and go right on the dodgems , go up and right through the wall , go down and collect the scroll , go up and push the crate right off the platform , fall down and push the crate left off the platform , fall down and push the crate right off the platform , push it left off the next platform , then right and left twice , jump on the big wheel on your right , jump off and at the bottom of the screen go right , collect the arrow , go left and up , go right and climb up on the platforms , go left and collect the star , fly right , up and right , push the crate right off the platform , push it left onto the button , go left , down and collect the star .
6 A draft report from the House of Representatives charged that the EPA ‘ acted improperly or at a minimum created the appearance of impropriety ’ , in deciding not to regulate formaldehyde as a cancer-causing chemical .
7 The survey by Hay Management Consultants found the rate of pay increase was slowing down but at an average of 7% rises were still comfortably above inflation .
8 I shuffled away and at the bottom of the stairs the back of my hand accidentally knocked the rail , hard .
9 Hitler was breaking out and at the time his bombers , summoned up by Franco , were in the process of wiping out the Basques ' spiritual and cultural home of Guernica .
10 Not really , I mean well I know , German I mean I 'm gon na be worried about it when I get there but at the moment German and French are just gon na be translating something , there 'll be , give me an extract and a translation and I 'll have to do them , you know
11 ‘ What 's wrong , Will ? ’ she asked apprehensively and at the sound of her voice , he burst into tears .
12 Have fresh fruit or sugar-free yogurt for dessert a minimum of three days a week ; the other days have low-sugar or no-sugar dessert recipes whenever possible ( e.g. unless eating out or at a friend 's house ) .
13 I want the observer to note the training methods used what basically went on and at the end of the day I will see the person who 's been in training make a paper aeroplane and I will judge these on two criterias
14 I half got up , then I looked at the hole he 'd gone down and at the paper in my hand .
15 Again he falls back and at the top of the climb we wait again .
16 Thus , even if space is left within and at the end of each index , updating will involve the shifting and shuffling of a number of records or the use of pointers and links to the new records .
17 He learned quickly and at the age of 19 met Samuel Bradbury , a noted local cricketer , in a single-wicket contest , so popular in those days , for a ‘ substantial wager . ’
18 But I do n't , I do n't but at the moment there so , the games they 've sold , there 's no games before , before there is gon na be really good games for the twelve hundred , yeah , before they start coming out .
19 I was taken here but at the time I mean I was n't one of the really seriously burnt , I mean I was still conscious and I was still walking around .
20 Common thoroughfares ran everywhere and at every level from basement to attic .
21 And I un well as I understand it from , from , from the friends in Moscow their , their traditional industries are very archaic , they may have erm , the expertise in , in the armament section , but the other things , what they need is some of our engineers and we 've got a lot of engineers who were working overseas and at the moment are n't .
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