Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [art] [noun] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 If the damage occurred over a period of time , there is no cover .
2 KEVIN Keegan has lodged a substantial bid for an unnamed player but wo n't tie up the deal in time for Saturday 's home game with Brighton .
3 Thus there is no net loss or gain over the period of time .
4 If the water coming out of taps ( mainly hot ones ) slows over a period of time , the problem is likely to be scale in the pipes — especially if you have a direct hot water system ( see page 48 ) .
5 He conducted research into how artefacts gradually develop over a period of time , the study of which is known as typology .
6 2 nurses can perform a dressing more efficiently and cut down the length of time a wound is exposed and at risk and the number of times hands need to be washed .
7 It seems rather strange that the accuracy for navigating/surveying now , by state of the art technology , is of the same order as has been used to set down the Circles of Time several thousand years ago .
8 Hodge and Parker commanded the midfield , Crosby and Rice , strongly supported by Laws and Pearce , drove forward on the flanks and it seemed only a matter of time before the right sort of cross reached Chapman or Clough .
9 The Phoenix King himself was trapped within the city , and it seemed only a matter of time before the entire land was devoured .
10 The electronic popular music of rock is so different in form and function from the old print-based pop of ‘ moon and June ’ , and so akin to the old pre-literate oral forms of folk music , that most of the assumptions made today about the relations between the two are misguided , based on theories devised at a time when the complete destruction of folk culture by the industrial state seemed only a matter of time .
11 It seemed only a matter of time , therefore , before the spending cuts and restrictions already imposed on the ILEA were followed by more drastic action .
12 It was an object lesson in finishing that would have preyed on the minds of the Belgian team at half time as they reflected on an opening 45 minutes during which it seemed only a matter of time before they took the lead .
13 You will need to set aside a bit of time to review the events of the last eight weeks .
14 ‘ I believe someone comes in to pick up the post from time to time . ’
15 An objection which has been raised by Jürgen Moltmann ( see chapter 7 ) and by others who have been concerned to set our present time in the light of the eschatological emphasis of the New Testament is that Barth and his allies in the 1920s who aimed to recover that emphasis in fact misinterpreted it by twisting it into the ‘ eternal moment ’ of the encounter between time and eternity , ; and that his mature theology distorted it in a-different but equally damaging fashion by swallowing up the whole of time and history in the central history of Jesus Christ , and by dissolving that away in turn in the eternal self-determination of God within the council of the Trinity to be ‘ God for man ’ .
16 Each of us consumed quite a bit of time on the complications .
17 Subsidence can occur over a period of time without the knowledge of the Policyholder .
18 In several instances , the parents gradually became aware that something was ‘ wrong ’ : the user 's physical appearance deteriorated over a period of time ; household and personal items were unexplainedly missing from the home ; the user began borrowing heavily and often from parents and siblings .
19 A loan is a sum of money borrowed over a period of time at a certain rate of interest .
20 In both key stages 3 and 4 they should have the opportunity to present an extended piece of work that has been planned , drafted , revised and polished over a period of time .
21 From your time sheet covering three typical days add up the amount of time you 've spent on all these activities/jobs .
22 It did not , however , wipe out the waste of time and effort caused by her foolish decision to lie .
23 And do y And do you spend quite a bit of time d on housework or n
24 Now it 's quite likely that next time I come we can spend quite a bit of time doing this same thing again yeah cos there 's a lot in it there 's angles using a protractor adding things up to check they come to the total that the angles come to three sixty and there 's this thing about fractions there 's cancelling fractions and then there 's working with quite big numbers three hundred and sixty what 's two fifteenths of three hundred and sixty mm that 's quite hard .
25 You can then complete it and then he will make an appointment with you to come to your house and he 'll spend quite a lot of time they really do ascertaining your personal circumstances .
26 You can spend quite a lot of time subsequently getting the machine configured just as you want it but at least you can relax in the knowledge that it all works and the difficult part of the upgrade is well and truly over .
27 Oh yeah , you 've got quite a bit of time , number seven .
28 So you 've got quite a lot of time Now , there 's some spare ones of these on the front as well When you get this scr scrub out item number eleven which is on the back because these are the notes that w went out for the social psychology exam And I would be you 'd be in a little bit of trouble if you revised wh influences of text ha b li had literature had on our lives , discuss three books , cos it ai n't gon na be on this paper
29 Erm and , and I think in a way you y you know you may start the exploration and then that may lead you on to do something else , and , and you may spend actually a bit of time before you actually want to start the training .
30 Instead , the money supply might contract over a period of time as the banking sector adjusts stage by stage to successive sales of gilt-edged securities .
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