Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The sounds , laid down by resident DJs Ali Cooke and Ralph Lawson with high-profile guests , are slinky house and garage , although the eclectic ‘ tribal-acid-funk ’ mix in the upper room might feature Nirvana , The Cult or Duran Duran .
2 Pipe Major John K McAllister is stepping down after 45 years service and Pipe Major George McFetridge after 35 years .
3 Faximum is contributing its FAX software expertise and existing server technology while HP kicks in with human factors engineering and client/server technology .
4 I tell you , if a helicopter had come down at that customs post , there would have been no stopping me .
5 With an engineer 's interest in how all these tiny ‘ bones ’ had fitted together , Miller had gone far beyond his contemporaries dealing with less complex fossils , who drew in with dotted lines parts missing in their specimen .
6 Except that she 's got to clock in in five minutes time .
7 Driving home with fellow hoodlums Jimmy Conway ( Robert de Niro ) and Tommy DeVito ( Joe Pesci ) from a hasty and unscheduled it , petty mobster Henry Hill ( Ray Liotta ) hears a rattle , we presume , from the engine .
8 Driving home with fellow hoodlums Jimmy Conway ( Robert de Niro ) and Tommy DeVito ( Joe Pesci ) from a hasty and unscheduled it , petty mobster Henry Hill ( Ray Liotta ) hears a rattle , we presume , from the engine .
9 it 's just about to come out in three weeks time
10 I went for an audition and they told me to come back in six months time I was determined to get the part so I practised day and night to be him . ’
11 Erm I still have to come back in some ways Patrick to er this this no car situation .
12 It 's been re-opened today after 2 years renovation and the new tenants will be paying £15,000 this year alone .
13 An exciting period lies ahead for Fine Arts Brass , with concerts on an increasingly larger international stage at major Festivals and Concert Halls , several recording projects and further TV and Radio appearances .
14 Section 6.2 looks again at conventional applications development , but in the overall context of a database approach , and then we look at alternative ways of developing applications , again in a database environment .
15 Then I skidded and slanted through into Public Baths Surf .
16 After being seen daily for 3 days David started to accept that his wife was not going to return home .
17 Then came three blank stubs , lastly one filled in for fifty pounds cash .
18 Yet Goodwin , through his progress through the media and up the class structure of Britain , had remained , or become , cut off from any grassroots action .
19 THE President of Bosnia-Hercegovina , Mr Alija Izetbegovic , appealed yesterday for United Nations intervention to stave off civil war as fierce clashes swept across Bosnia and neighbouring Croatia , leaving at least 19 people dead .
20 A recent case on settlorship is Butler v Wilden 61 TC 666 where shares in effectively a shell company were placed into the names of two children who paid the appropriate price for the same but with the company being built up by two brothers Graham and Gary .
21 ALL-GIRL band L7 are teaming up with wild rockers Nirvana in a bid to promote women 's rights .
22 Britain 's top twenty girls fought or flowed it out in the championships over the weekend … the big prize for them this season is a place at the Olympics … only two girls can go … the competition is made up of four disciplines rope … hoop … ball and clubs …
23 Erm , the idea is that letters are uniquely sep specified by different combinations of features , but certain letters would share more features than others So the idea is that you might consider that the letter X is made up of two features line going that way , whoops , yeah , and a line going that way , which when they 're viewed together make the letter X. The letter Y is made up of a line going that way and a line going that way .
24 The motel was made up of separate cabins wide-spaced and private among trees — but more to the point the cabin had its own phone extension and twin beds .
25 which was made up of local towns people , you know , and and er I mean you did n't have to be a a notary in the town to be on this er Co board th th You know you could be one of the riveters you were talking about earlier .
26 This group also had to be made up on strict equal-opportunities lines , with the requisite number of minorities and women .
27 Football since the 1950s has come to provide a kind of surrogate community for the young ; the club defines their identity and the ‘ end ’ is their territory , even if they have moved out to high-rise blocks miles away .
28 In contrast to the U.K. Home Market , where consumer expenditure has been curtailed , Export Sales have risen substantially on last years figures .
29 ‘ For capital growth , I 'd invest mainly in smaller companies funds , with a bit in US smaller companies where there is still some scope , possibly through the Perpetual US Smaller Companies trust .
30 One fishing vessel that we had been watching for a long period had more than one narrow escape from detection by British controls , but was finally turned back by Dutch customs patrols shortly after leaving a Continental port with a cargo of immigrants on board bound for the UK .
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