Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [noun sg] to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But housing experts and governments just have not given enough thought to the type of building materials that developing countries need .
2 This liability would only be avoided if careful records of the sources of drugs were kept so as to pass on liability to the manufacturer responsible for any defect .
3 He devoted much thought to the shape of the future church .
4 Focusing upon problem emotions means that the counsellor has to be able to pass back information to the counsellee .
5 With respect to the individual , foreign language teachers need to know how allegiance to a language is a significant trait in the individual 's personal identity both because this has implications for the degree of acceptance of the foreign language by the learner — whether he/she is a speaker of English only or other languages too — and because the foreign language teacher may well have an advisory role to play in his/her school concerning the place of language and languages in the curriculum in general .
6 It could be seen in some cases as , maybe escapism , we do n't give enough thought to the wife and kids who 've got dad er , er , in in court .
7 In a US property , a guest let off steam to the bartender because his room was not ready and it was already late .
8 The management executive must give more thought to the development of improved methods of applying Read codes and the budgetary implications of this .
9 The Humber has been a barrier which cut off trade to the south .
10 He favours instead proximity to the village , not only for the improvement of the villagers , but because it will remove for the proprietor ‘ that unpleasant feeling of cheerless solitude ’ .
11 Your Committee have given further consideration to the date of the Annual General Meeting of the Society and now recommend that it be held on 4 May 1990 at 7.30 pm at the Community College , Bishop 's Castle .
12 Prior to Haibara 's testimony , Noboru Takeshita had given further evidence to the Diet concerning his role in the affair .
13 Shankar and Vice-President Henck Arron formally " resigned " and handed over power to the Army on Dec. 27 .
14 I 've promised to go up country to a bull ranch a friend of mine called Barbosa runs .
15 ‘ Escape ’ was defined as ‘ escape from a place where the defendant has occupation or control over land to a place which is outside his occupation or control . ’
16 A working party is to be formed to draw up opposition to the plan , for presentation to the Welsh Office .
17 ‘ The DUC operated as a kind of umbrella organization and there was a little group in all the different localities where uranium prospecting was going on … and each of these groups had their own little committee of two or three people who were feeding back information to the DUC and it was a real grassroots organization then . ’
18 We would not object to the guide my Lord but what we would object to do n't object to the guide my Lord but what we do object to is is what this er solicitor would have done in relation to it
19 Months before , bringing back life to the earth .
20 the criminal courts should be empowered to require offenders to carry out service to the community .
21 They were going to undo the spells that held together the vortex and bring back Chaos to the world .
22 The home of the Ba was the body in the tomb , but it was able to go out freely and bring back life to the body and thus preserve the deceased 's identity on earth .
23 They have discovered that problems that they thought had to be brought in person to a bureau , can in fact be carried out successfully over the telephone .
24 Section 28 has brought further uncertainty to the field of censorship and the law , and as a result further weakens the direction that in censorship librarians should be guided by the law .
25 Roll out pastry to a rectangle 14in x 10in ( 36cm x 25cm ) .
26 This is a major cause of physical handicap , but the insertion of valves which drain off fluid to the heart have reduced the risk of brain damage .
27 The result will be formally announced tomorrow night to a meeting of the constituency party 's general committee .
28 The case was taken on appeal to the House of Lords , who upheld the decision of the Court of Appeal on the merits , but rebuked the Court of Appeal for not following its own previous decisions .
29 Burn , Angell and Pownall were examined on their part in the judging ; Coe , Scott and Charles Barry junior as competitors ; and Sir Charles Barry as an architect who had ‘ directed much thought to the subject ’ .
30 Specific work on it in secondary schools is often essential in order to break down resistance to the subject .
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