Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] with [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Plus the plain tile eave coursing so often seen with pantile roofs in the North East .
2 It has to fend for itself , out of a budget that has just about risen with inflation in recent years .
3 The changing trend of shareholdings was clear until 1981 — individuals were owning far less compared with insurance companies , pension funds and trusts .
4 In an attempt to get data from this natural laboratory , particle physics has become ever more entwined with cosmology .
5 The costs involved in private medical insurance schemes have been rising very rapidly compared with inflation generally .
6 Owen dashed up almost blinded with sweat .
7 Around me , as the pirates and Famlio stared at Gharr , the atmosphere grew so much charged with fury and tension that it almost crackled , like a defective energy field .
8 Computerworld interprets IBM 's willingness to make public its plans for OS/2 3.0 as the latest advance in the clash with Microsoft Corp : having lost out in the personal computer operating system game , where OS/2 is lagging far behind compared with MS-DOS and Windows , IBM is trying to position the next generation OS/2 competitively against Microsoft 's forthcoming NT operating system .
9 It was plain to her that her therapist was meticulous , thoughtful and highly trained — it was undeniable — but Scarlet increasingly found all that beside the point because her malaise had not significantly decreased with treatment , and worrying about the cost of it kept her awake at night .
10 And second , it appears that the latter withdrew his approval of the initial closure proposal because the Education Committee had not fully complied with government regulations on closure procedure .
11 It was the in-between of that sludge-grey spring that stopped and started , flowers bursting out then drenched with sleet , blighted by snow ; skies grey and thundery , rain mean and seeping , wind a slinking greasy cur that has paddled through filthy city ponds and has nowhere to go .
12 Like when we 're doing geography , we do n't seem to be working , but when we started revising we ended up in two years with seven books , which is goodness knows how much compared with chemistry or a subject like that .
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