Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 We see action in one area not as self-contained or hermetically sealed , but as spilling over to affect and be affected by what goes on elsewhere under the same roof .
2 No sooner has it done so than another baby joins on behind in the same way and within a few seconds , the entire litter has formed a caravan behind their parent .
3 His back was to her , he was toddling along purposefully in the same direction as her , across that bleak empty landscape .
4 As Edward looked around he saw everything determinedly perpetuating itself — buds forming , leaves unfurling , seeds setting , the whole place off again on the same mindless uncaring cycle , while Edward stood there in the midst of it , quite alone .
5 Two , to see whether we can knock down the price and whether we can get him to come up here in the same way as Doctor does and do it that way to reduce the costs .
6 The patient improves for a time , say an hour or more , then either stops getting better and the picture becomes more or less static , or begins to slip back again with the same symptoms .
7 The analyses have also shown much interesting detail : sub-groups have emerged when marble fragments have been found to have extremely similar isotope ratios , which suggests they came not only from the same quarry but from the same part of the quarry .
8 They 'd all grown up together on the same corpy estate , been to the same sink school , gone out with the same dreary lads .
9 Even allowing for the probability that Time was no non-stop streamliner , faring ever forward at the same speed every day of creation , some fresh interruption of Nature must have occurred to explain its present serpentine course .
10 Erm , I do n't think it 'll ever take off actu , actually , because er you 've got all the traffic all there already and if you 've got say , say you have got Hibs and Hearts you got all the traffic going out there at the same time and it 's gon na be chock-a-block !
11 If we make up a helical coil ( Fig. 4.2(b) ) the wires are going round always in the same direction so the voltages simply add and we may rewrite eqn ( 4.13 ) in the form
12 It all happened very quickly in the same week .
13 In the UK , Japan and the US there have been a spate of deregulatory initiatives taken by government , and European governments are also moving more slowly in the same direction .
14 Thereupon the world reverses its rotation and everything starts to deteriorate until God reasserts his control and lets the universe rotate once again in the same direction as before .
15 The figure stopped , turned towards , him and snarled something before moving off again at the same queer , shambling gait .
16 Thus far The Buddha of Suburbia is autobiographical : thereafter Karim and Hanif go their separate ways , only getting back on to the same tracks when they both flee north of the river to west London .
17 And what we 've done now , and with colleagues from Germany , is to take cores off north west Africa , say about twenty metres down into the sediment , we sample them in the lab here and took the small amounts of sediment and examined them for these long chain compounds and we were extremely excited to see that as we went down this core , back through the last few hundred thousand years , we could see our signal on sea surface temperature oscillating about roughly in the same way that er has been found with other methods of getting at the past history of the climate .
18 You know , but erm he sa he 's recovered reasonably well in the same , you know , but
19 However , imports in all four categories are still running well ahead of the same three-month period in 1988 .
20 It divided workers from one another , since their earnings might vary widely even within the same establishment , or different types of labour might be paid in entirely different ways .
21 Shortly before the fateful journey to Greece he begins to be overcome once again by the same sensation .
22 I stared back blandly with the same expression that he was trying on me .
23 He went out late on the same evening , God knows where , and was found hanging from a beam under London Bridge .
24 If you had the inner relief road those figures would in fact therefore change quite dramatically in the same way that the A sixty one figures have changed .
25 Return to the lying position and repeat twice more to the same side .
26 Return to the lying position , then repeat twice more to the same side .
27 Fortunately there are now many people who think this is wrong , and they do so mainly for the same reason , that is , because the ‘ god ’ spoken of has never been explained in a manner which they themselves can easily understand and believe in .
28 Electricity was not taken up everywhere with the same rapidity ; central European cities were ahead of Great Britain , for example , with their electric trams .
29 Collecting my thoughts I baited up with a fresh squid and cast back out to the same spot , bobbin on the needle and it was back to the bedchair .
30 Harrington did well temporarily for the same reason as my original Cheat did .
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