Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The energies expended on continually fighting for funding could have been put to more practical use but the decision vindicates that effort , ’ she said .
2 People throughout the world suddenly became much better informed about radiation hazards .
3 In the first case a woman is seeking compensation for the death in 1962 of her 10-month-old daughter from leukaemia ; the girl 's father worked as a fitter at Sellafield for nearly 30 years and has since also died of cancer .
4 Since then the Debenham Players has most definitely grown in size and support , the productions get better each time but still the members run the whole thing by themselves be it from costume making and lighting to front of house and stage construction .
5 Controlling activities arc so closely linked to Planning and Decision-making activities that it would be advisable to study the next two chapters in conjunction with Chapters 16 and 17 .
6 From top to bottom this was a society , which as David Ganz has so well observed in connection with the predestination controversy , ‘ was all too aware of its sins , all too uncertain of their forgiveness ’ .
7 Little work has so far focused on plant pathogens , but it is likely that this will ultimately develop as another component of integrated pest-management strategies .
8 Providing he retains control ( which he has so far succeeded in doing ) , he can play the media and not be affected by the media 's idiosyncrasy .
9 In The Act of Reading , Wolfgang Iser argues that the literary work should be understood as a means of communication rather than as a representation of the world : ‘ It is a vital feature of literary texts that they do not lose their ability to communicate ; indeed , many of them can still speak even when their message has long since passed into history and their meaning no longer seems to be of importance ’ ( 1978:13 ) .
10 In conclusion I wish to emphasise that if this appeal is allowed the House will not thereby have chosen to re-establish in relation to a limited class of offence an inquisitorial method of ascertaining the truth in criminal cases which English law has long since repudiated in favour of an adversarial process .
11 For both occupational strata female employees earn about 60 per cent of the wages of their male counterparts , and this discrimination against and exploitation of women 's labour has only marginally decreased through legislation such as the Equal Pay Act of 1970 .
12 BRITAIN 'S ‘ greenest ’ car is the Subaru Vivio 660cc which has only just gone on sale .
13 The Christmas Eve assault has only just come to light because the 13-year-old victim was too terrified to report it earlier .
14 Townsend , who has only just returned to Premiership action for new club Aston Villa , said : ‘ It has been a slight worry but I 'm in no pain and after today 's training I know I 'll definitely play . ’
15 The election campaign has only just got under way , and Mr Le Pen may yet reclaim the limelight .
16 While it might look a bit strange , even antiquated , to anyone who has only ever thought of guitar tuners as pocket sized oblong boxes with LEDs or a needle and a retail price of around forty quid , the Peterson 's ability to accurately tune any musical instrument is known throughout the music industry .
17 It exists largely as a product of the institutions of higher education ( Sarsby 1984 : 132 ) and has only recently begun to surface in policy and practice .
18 At $5,550 , IBM Corp 's new 16″ colour Xstation 150 seems pricey , but then it 's built around the Motorola Inc 88110 which has only recently gone into volume production ( UX No 422 ) : thought to clock at 40Mhz IBM says the 150 outperforms its existing Xstation 130 by a factor of six at 115,000 Xstones , and comes with from 6Mb to 22Mb RAM .
19 Murray 's Just Jeremy , on which she led the dressage section from Thomson by less than half a point , has only recently returned to competition following a lengthy lay-off after an operation to cure a breathing problem .
20 Plus the plain tile eave coursing so often seen with pantile roofs in the North East .
21 As for the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea , signed at Montego Bay on 10 December 1982 ( Cmnd. 8941 ) , of which the Community is a signatory but which has not yet entered into force , it contains provisions similar to article 5(1) of the Geneva Convention of 1958 ( see articles 91 and 94 ) .
22 Much more important is the fact that Mr Constantin Oancea , the man who dealt with Hungarian relations at the Romanian foreign ministry in Ceausescu 's time , has not only remained in post but appears to have been promoted .
23 Far from being ‘ non-interventionist ’ , in this case Mr Lang has not only acted as promoter of the scheme itself , but also as overseer of the setting up of the public inquiry .
24 People should know exactly how to vote for animal rights in the election and that is for one of the parties that unanimously supported this Bill .
25 It has to fend for itself , out of a budget that has just about risen with inflation in recent years .
26 This is called a ‘ methyl migration ’ and the methyl which has just oxidatively added in reaction ( 1 ) → ( 2 ) moves onto the carbon of an adjacent carbon monoxide on the metal .
27 This is called a ‘ methyl migration ’ and the methyl which has just oxidatively added in reaction ( 1 ) — ( 2 ) moves onto the carbon of an adjacent carbon monoxide on the metal .
28 No country has ever successfully developed on aid alone .
29 The advantages of Unix for multi-user systems are becoming more widely accepted in computing circles , but it should be noted that Unix versions of our specialist software packages are as yet unavailable .
30 The view that he changes is not usually very considered and , from his short statement , he has clearly not studied in depth either of the judgments that we are discussing today .
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