Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Soviet efforts to minimize the impact of his resignation internationally included a Congress resolution passed overwhelmingly at the end of the debate affirming the continuity of foreign policy .
2 One would think that an old person would have to be living in an isolated cottage , in the heart of the countryside , to be so out of touch with the world ; but sadly we know from the frequent reports in the newspapers that such tragic loneliness can exist right in the heart of our towns and cities , and that the old have sometimes remained undiscovered for weeks and months after they have died in their own homes .
3 It goes right into the subconscious of course ; no memorizing involved . ’
4 Also , the land which stretches back to Rockhill Farm from Swingswang on the opposite side of that road is all part and parcel of the County Council smallholdings , and only two fields away they sold off a piece of land a few years ago which has now been developed on to the frontage of the Banbury Road , which is in fact the Cromwell Business Park .
5 It was not a historical accident that the sports in which blacks were overrepresented compared to their proportion in the general population were those demanding little in the way of equipment or facilities .
6 At one stage she somehow got on to the subject of coal and said she simply did not believe it came from wood .
7 Before they got on to the subject of the commune they had been discussing which item of Hilbert 's former property they should sell next .
8 We somehow got on to the subject of detective stories , for it had been with some surprise that I learnt at the Old Parsonage meeting that at one time he had read them with avidity .
9 Somehow we then got on to the theme of French poetry , and Eliot expressed surprise at one of Herbert Read 's recent pronouncements on Laforgue and another nineteenth-century poet I can not recall and about whom at the time I knew too little to be able to arrive at an opinion .
10 In Philip Burton 's version , from then on , all was sweetness ; Richard occasionally went back to the house of Cis and Elfed ( on Sunday mornings ) and the two of them got on with the transformation of the street boy into the stage man .
11 She went , and I got on with the life of Ellen Parkin , about to emerge from her chrysalis , to spread her wings as Eleanor Darcy .
12 As it is , he has gone down as a highly skilled bowler who , because he lacked the flamboyance of some of his colleagues , attracted less attention than many of them ; but who consistently , almost stealthily , got on with the job of collecting three or four wickets in innings after innings after innings .
13 PIETER Muller read the messages of hate , shrugged and got on with the job of becoming one of the best centres in the world .
14 Marsh accepted his fate honourably , as everyone expected , and the Australians got on with the job of keeping their boot on the Indian throat .
15 Without his bad-tempered dad , Rab C. Nesbitt , to annoy him , Wee Burney got on with the job of handing a trophy and a Cash Club Account containing £10 to young Heather Stobbs .
16 Who broke into your house in the middle of the night and , after paying the usual compliments to your stereo , got on with the job of pouring scorn on your most cherished convictions ?
17 I have to say that if some of those born again modernizers had supported us then , we could have settled these issues long ago , and got on with the business of winning elections , which I thought was what party politics was about .
18 Schools got on with the business of education .
19 Scudamore interprets present-day embalming as ‘ a treatment consisting fundamentally of the injection of some suitable disinfecting preservative into the vascular system , augmented by the relieving of the blood from the superficial vein , and such cavity , cosmetic , and derma-surgery treatment necessary to achieve a pre-mortem appearance , aseptic condition and preservation ’ .
20 The type of frame you choose for your finished work is an entirely personal decision , based on your own likes and dislikes , but I would strongly suggest that you think about the type of frame you will be using right from the start of your work .
21 UNCITRAL likewise engages in widespread consultation , drawing widely on the expertise of practising specialists .
22 Shadows have lengthened stealthily in the course of The Bellarosa Connection , gathering for what Martin Amis described in later Bellow as ‘ last things , leave-taking , and final lucidities ’ , and at the close there is a quietly affecting image of the narrator setting down his story , alone .
23 Howling jackals and hyenas disturbed their nights , and kites swooped on to the plate of any man foolish enough to leave his food uncovered .
24 Kubitsky was bringing his rifle to bear on a target which lay somewhere in the direction of the grove of trees on the river bank to Rostov 's rear , but before he could open fire three more arrows took him in the chest and he fell over backwards without a sound .
25 So then I went to the bank and asked politely in the name of the Mamur Zapt if I could check Andrus 's account .
26 It is getting into the position of an excellent prize of war ; strategically it points right into the heart of Japan and into the hands of an enemy it weakens the Japanese bastion of Western defence .
27 Like Jesus , they were , after all , devout Jews , working and preaching wholly within the context of established Judaic tradition .
28 Some guy took his er bonuses after two years recently and I think he got somewhere in the region of six thousand pound .
29 Perhaps for this reason Britain experienced little in the way of a fascist movement in the 1920s ; only a few small and insignificant fascist groups , hostile to the Bolsheviks or the Jews , emerged at that time .
30 Yep , well each station in those days had one of the war-time sirens on , on , situated right on the top of the tower of these fire stations , enormous great sirens with a very piercing , loud sound , erm so that was the audible warning , to tell them that they were wanted in the fire station .
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