Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] the [noun pl] when " in BNC.

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1 Most spreadsheets were designed back in the days when 640KBytes was the maximum amount of memory that was available .
2 The first prisoners had come here in the days when the state of war between England and Germany was still largely theoretical .
3 Verily , the game has moved on from the days when Bobby Locke could , for instance , win seven tournaments in his baptismal year on the US circuit , and four Open Championships on this side of the Atlantic , and yet virtually never feel the need to depart from his habitual draw .
4 Athletics , too , had moved away from the days when black sportsmen in the USA were forbidden to compete against whites .
5 People did broadcasts , and if they wrote books , or gave talks on books , these books were all to be found in the BBC Library , along with a fine technical collection and an unrivalled political section , dating back to the days when Guy Burgess ran their first Parliamentary programmes .
6 After violent storms the haul will often include valuable items dating back to the days when drowned sailors on the local beach was commonplace .
7 ‘ Of course , Taiwan has a Portuguese connection dating back to the days when it was Formosa , but you wo n't have found any opportunity to air it these days .
8 The time and effort demanded of them may put a strain on their relationship with a partner , who may have been looking forward to the years when they could be alone again as a couple .
9 Another famous hillside figure harks back to the days when , according to legends , giants walked the land .
10 Jon , as he proudly watched the Union Jack raised above his head , must have thought back to the days when , as Oxford University Boat Race president , the only flag he looked at was the skull and crossbones which hung in his study with a menacing message written underneath : ‘ Death Zone — No Prisoners . ’
11 Pound here is very close to Yeats who is , for instance in his great sonnet ‘ Leda and the Swan ’ , fascinated similarly by the moments when the inhuman — it may be bestial , it may be divine , subhuman or superhuman hardly matters — invades the human .
12 I used to walk between the two parts of the building — that is between my studio/study and the main house — and stare up at the pulley that hangs over the hall , an imitation of the one that hung there in the days when a real miller hoisted his sacks of grain .
13 It goes back to the days when people used to worship heavenly bodies as gods .
14 This goes back to the days when there were hop gardens at the rear of the pub , and picking was done by gipsy families ( shant being an old gipsy word , meaning to drink ) .
15 The very important interest JCI has in the diamond industry goes back to the days when Barney Barnato , together with Cecil Rhodes played an important role in the establishment of De Beers in Kimberley .
16 If he finds it amusing that he did not unfreeze acquisition grants even in the years when he had the money to do so , he is in a bad way .
17 This had been proposed in an earlier draft which was condemned by journalists as seeking to introduce " curbs … such as journalists did not experience even in the days when the CPSU was all-powerful " .
18 Our grandmothers grew up in the days when women rose at dawn , laid the sticks and lit the fire .
19 The Government , he says , must go back to the days when school meals were available for every child .
20 The cover was made of leather and went back to the days when mankind used animals for food and clothing .
21 I fret often for the days when I lived and worked in the countryside , but one sad sight used to be that of herds of demented idiots vandalising the scenery and terrorising nature in their delirious lust for an innocent animal 's life .
22 Second World War gas masks , tin helmets and posters on treating burns and what to do with incendiary bombs were left over from the days when each factory had a fire watch and some even had a home guard .
23 He started looking into corners for the bugging device , though he said he was searching for a stray cigarette , left over from the days when he smoked .
24 The defendant had argued that this information , ie the knowledge that the combination of the two ingredients produced an effective drier could not be protected by an injunction since the knowledge of that combination was knowledge which the second defendant must inevitably have taken away from the plaintiffs when he left their employment and that he could not proceed to expunge that knowledge from his mind .
25 Florida is the shock of the new jutaposed with '40s and '50s kitsch and the magnificent turn-of-the-century beachfront resorts that date back to the days when the Northern grandees , steamer trunks and servants in tow , would descend by private rail to the exclusive enclaves of Sarasota , Palm Beach and Miami .
26 He said : ‘ We 've got to get back to the days when Elland Road was an intimidating place for teams to visit .
27 The idea is that if elderly people can be encouraged to think back to the times when they had lots of relationships , and when they felt they had some status and worth , then they are able to feel that status carry over more into their present life .
28 Places like the Giant 's Rock near Zennor , the Giant 's Quoits on the coast east of Land 's End and the Giant 's Grave north east of Penzance , all hark back to the days when the big people supposedly ruled .
29 ( The name dates back to the days when all home electronics was a horrid brown colour — now it is an almost nasty black ) .
30 If the building is turned into a pub the distinctive glass canopy , which dates back to the days when it was a garage , will be retained .
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