Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] the [noun pl] where " in BNC.

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1 But when he got down to the streets where we live he said , ‘ If people want a cleaner Britain , they can start with their own street and their own neighbourhood ’ .
2 I wandered down to the kitchens where Wolsey 's chefs were busy creating subtleties , strange confectionery creations : towers and castles of sugar ready to launch their assault on valiant teeth .
3 At all other times , cars are parked just outside the walls where there is some free as well as fee paying parking available .
4 The herds of antelope cluster together a little more tightly ; vultures and storks alight in the tops of trees to roost ; baboons clamber up into the branches where they will be safe from prowling leopards .
5 He was unhappy there but , determined not to slip back into the pits where his grandfather had wielded a pick , worked hard and won scholarships both to Jesus College , Oxford , and the University College of Aberystwyth .
6 A villager who had played in the open fields as a boy , or watched the sheep in the common pastures , would have lived to see the modern landscape of his parish completed and matured , the roads all made , the hedgerow trees full grown , and new farmhouses built out in the fields where none had ever been before .
7 That was the kidney knifed out of the bullocks where the kidney lay in , what you have steak and kidney pies , yeah .
8 He sidled along towards the panels where , with any luck , Angalo was hiding .
9 Willi frequently turned up for the sessions where Therese was working with Luiza , Freddi and Alfred .
10 Mirabilis continued to stab the picture , muttering low-voiced curses , looking up at the walls where the pigeon was still standing .
11 After a fashionably elevenish dinner at my hostal-Pension , in a small green dining-room lit by blinding neon , I strolled out into the streets where the sellers of lottery tickets were still in full cry — ‘ Para hoy !
12 Lower than a thousand units er there 's no immediate affect and one 's tempted to think that erm the er er it 's , that radiation 's therefore safe below that level and that 's not strictly true because there is the possibility of a long term affect it can actually cause cancer in the long term but with very low er ra- er levels of risk cos you can see down at the levels where people actually get radiation doses er like erm members of the public or erm from the actual background of people who work in nuclear power stations , you 're talking about very low levels but the levels , those sort of levels I mean one in three hundred thousand , one in three million , that sort of thing you ca n't actually measure in real er populations because there er any effects that there are can be swamped by other ways of getting er of getting cancer .
13 After Kensaleyre , this beautiful road , a territory of hawks , runs by Loch Snizort Beag , and from the calm grassy uplands , well-to-do houses look down on the waters where the opportunities for boats seem infinite .
14 They turned off into the woods where th'fence ends .
15 Turning now to the poems where the I dominates we find some instances of apparent self-abnegation .
16 She loved to walk out into the villages where she would sit round the fire or outside a hut shelling peanuts with a family , so that she learned first hand many of the African customs and quickly mastered the language .
17 As with other precious substances , ivory was used far beyond the areas where it occurred in nature .
18 Staff officers were galloping busily behind the lines where the battalion 's colours were bright in the dusk .
19 The pondering , the getting at the absent Stavrogin , proves successful ; many acute observations buttress the central ‘ lukewarm ’ truth about him , and analysis spills over into the notebooks where Tikhon 's God's-voice function appears at its clearest .
20 She had the sad and deflated appearance of somebody who had once lived life to the full but now had only the memories of such times to sustain her — like a galleon whose sails sag limply round the masts where once they have billowed majestically .
21 These are prisoners locked out of the prisons where they should be held .
22 THERE IS A LIGHT popping out of the holes where the tiles have slipped on the roof of the Big Barn nowadays .
23 Cossins also filmed a sequence with Crawford on Wimbledon Common , shown behind the end titles , in which Frank Spencer was running away from the grounds where the course was being held , with the organizer chasing him .
24 Brown sticks stuck out of the sleeves where there should have been wrists and his head was like a hard dry acorn , sun-burned and bald , no hair .
25 In a matter of minutes , the attackers had been routed , only a few surviving to run back into the streets where the morning had yet to dispel the darkness .
26 In the final confrontation Jaq and Grey Knights had fought through savage ranks of cultists who all showed some mark of Chaos — a tentacle , a sting , tendrils instead of hair , suckers , claws ; through to the warlock of the coven ensconced deep within the caverns where young captives whimpered piteously in cages .
27 She looked down through the wards where the festive celebrations had momentarily stopped .
28 The Royal party proceeded outside to the lawns where a silver band was playing the Cornish Floral Dance .
29 When Maggie reached The Haven she parked the van in its usual spot , collected the grouse and then went directly into the kitchens where she dumped the birds in front of Harry Harrison , the chef .
30 If this happened the lighthouse-keeper would tell the warden , who would muster as many ‘ hands ’ as were available , and go up to the headlands where the lighthouses stood .
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