Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] her [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 An extension to movement this year was Rosemary Gould 's Reflexology therapy , carried on in her every spare minute , all her proceeds going to Medau .
2 And so she behind all the way but caught up with her a few metres
3 She fell towards them , wishing she had the energy to turn her gaze away from this blankness , but as he moved closer to her a little light caught his cheek and she saw , or thought she saw , tears there , spilling from those dark eyes .
4 Sabine 's eyes narrowed , and he laughed suddenly , his whole face changing , bringing home to her the full force of his considerable attraction .
5 If I took the food away from her too often , though , there was a danger she would lose interest , so I had to give in to her a few times .
6 And yet , she thought , as they picked their way gingerly along under the stooping eaves of the alley that led to the rear of St Chad 's church , to avoid the running kennel thawed and filled by the morning showers , the finger of God had intervened in her life only yesterday , and might again lean down to point out for her an acceptable and fruitful way .
7 The girl in the mirror was a total contrast to the haunted image which had stared back at her a few hours earlier .
8 The encounter had lasted no longer than one minute at the outside , yet she took away with her a vivid memory of that thin handsome face , with its grimly set lips and smouldering brown eyes .
9 She knew how to win that competition , too : when he reached through to her the fourth or fifth time , she did what she had often dreamt of doing before : kneeling up against the wall , she guided his hand and put it to her breast .
10 ‘ Anyway the woman in the bus saw his picture in this evening 's paper , told the local bobby and gave him the boy 's uncle 's address which the lad had passed on to her the previous evening .
11 The minute she set eyes on him , she seemed to take leave of her senses — and he 's been playing up to her the whole time .
12 Mrs Janet Postance , Landscore 's head , carries about with her a cardboard box which might once have held apples , now replaced with documents relating to the national curriculum , the Devon Education Authority curriculum and her own school curriculum .
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