Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] [art] time when " in BNC.

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1 If your bitch is not neutered , you should be aware of the possibility of this behavioural change occurring soon after the time when she would normally have given birth , just over two months after her last heat .
2 Mr Rikanovic almost certainly knew nothing about Swiss law , by which anyone holding an item publicly for three years without judgment against him acquires title , but it is interesting that the visit occurred just at the time when Lord Northampton sought to have the ownership dispute heard by the Swiss courts .
3 The book begins with the 1950s , when baby manuals indexed ‘ fathers ’ as ‘ for fathers see mothers ’ , and men were ‘ angry ’ , ‘ tough ’ or ‘ queer ’ ; it ends with ‘ a new agenda for the 1990s ’ , described hopefully as a time when men join women in fighting for an end to exploitation of women at work and home , and the ‘ masculinity ’ we have known will come to a timely end .
4 It will be intriguing to see how Brecht 's play stands up at a time when Communism is loosening its ideological hold .
5 Where a problem seems obviously more complex they suggest that the client makes an appointment with an adviser to come back at a time when the bureau is officially closed to the public .
6 Official attempts in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to reform and strengthen the police duties of headmen were carried out at a time when the overall influence of headmen was on the wane .
7 For some unexplained reason you were still lurking about at a time when , normally , you would long since have gone home . ’
8 Indeed the Director of Kenya 's Institute of Education looks forward to a time when a syllabus may be devised which , in addition to a national ‘ core ’ , has specific defined areas where programmes devised at district or local levels will be developed and implemented .
9 British qualifications in public health medicine fully meet the requirements of the directives and the faculty looks forward to a time when the specialty will be formally recognised in all member states and not only in Britain , France , and Ireland .
10 The timeliness of the Minor award in these terms was noted by the head of history : The project came along at the time when we were thinking about cross-curricular developments anyway , and the school had been concerned about the particular pattern of study skills and how they could be extended and coordinated .
11 The success of Alain Aspect 's team in confirming experimentally one of the more subtle predictions of the theory ( New Scientist , 6 January , p 17 ) came just at the time when , in an echo of the great days of J. G. Crowther , The Guardian published Terry Clark 's report of an experiment in which a macroscopic object can be made to behave , in some respects , like a single quantum ‘ particle ’ , and when these weighty tomes arrived for review .
12 But if film executives were to be believed , the majority of the audience was less interested in salving their fears about wars and conflicts ahead than in looking back to the time when Britain had a role to play in the world .
13 Looking back to the time when she could n't find reverse on her company car , Alison contrasted this with her new job responsibilities : ‘ Now I 'm driving over 2,500 miles a month , much of it spent on the M25 .
14 Looking back on the time when I was really big , around 1979 , I was the saddest and most miserablest I 've ever been .
15 The British connection dated back to the time when Jacobite refugees settled here in the eighteenth century , but it was after Wellington 's victories in the region early in the 1800s that it became serious .
16 She is full of admiration for the care and attention she is receiving at the hospital but is already looking ahead to the time when she is strong enough to go on to a convalescent home .
17 Is it really necessary for you to have no claim if you are indeed made redundant or treated unjustly at the time when the contract finishes ?
18 They 've seen the introduction of performance related pay , personal contracts , new working practices , pay freezes , pay cuts and always the fear of redundancy and all of this has been going on at a time when increasingly companies are withdrawing from national collective agreements , are establishing separate bargaining arrangements , restricting the activities of trade union officials and increasingly de-recognizing trade unions .
19 The Second period is that which starts from the beginning of life and reaches onward to the time when the law of the survival of the fittest with its ruthlessness could no longer serve the aspirations towards increasing happiness that were beginning to creep into the dawning consciousness of primitive man .
20 None of that matters to Kenneth Arnold so much as the fact that he acted selflessly at a time when he was needed .
21 It happened just at the time when the Tuscan peasants were abandoning their land to go and work in the factories .
22 The army which set out to recover Berwick from the Scots in July 1319 was some 14,000 strong , but it ended with a humiliating retreat and flight into England ; undoubtedly the Scottish outflanking movement which penetrated deep into England was the major contributor to this disaster , but acrimony between Lancaster and Edward may have helped bring it about and was certainly magnified by it , so that afterwards the relations of the two men rapidly deteriorated just at the time when Despenser the younger was antagonizing other magnates as well .
23 The emancipation of the serfs had been drawn up at a time when most of the tsar 's principal advisers belonged to the age of Nicholas I. Within a year of the promulgation of the statutes , most of the chief posts in the empire were held by people whose sympathy with the new social order was greater than that of the emancipators .
24 On one side was the flower-garden view ; on the other , one window had been bricked up at the time when windows were taxed , and I walked over to the remaining window .
25 I was fortunate to grow up at a time when imperial measurements were generally used , but science was special in being both imperial and metric .
26 Although I would have kept all the notes and drafts and I could , therefore , reconstruct how a poem is written , it 's my experience that once it 's been written it 's very hard for me to imagine back to the time when it was n't written .
27 Thieves probably benefited from a certain popular tolerance which dated back to the time when individual thefts of cattle were a legitimate means of pursuing a dispute .
28 Much of the legislation harks back to the time when individuals were less readily identifiable than they are nowadays and so protection was necessary to ensure that foul play was not involved .
29 The custom of asking for permission to marry has less significance nowadays ; it harks back to the time when a father had control over his unmarried daughter 's money until a husband came along .
30 I could understand them wanting to escape back to a time when they were ‘ needed ’ .
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