Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] [art] long [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Our first sight of the island was a sharp mountain peak jutting through the low cloud which unfortunately spoiled our view , but in minutes we were through the cloud and touching down on the long black runway which ran parallel to the shores of the fiord .
2 arguments , all of which can be developed only by a long mental soak in the subject .
3 The cows moved slowly through the long green grass .
4 The trial ground on through the long hot summer in Pretoria .
5 The ridged pasture was falling away in front of Sharpe , sloping down to a long dark oak wood from which a cart track ran north towards a big stone-walled farm that looked like a miniature fort .
6 Something made me glance over to the long french windows leading to the back verandah , and there she was : Poppy , dressed from head to foot in black .
7 Excitement for many at the thought of returning home after the long hard years in exile .
8 Dunvegan Castle stands on the edge of the sea , and looks up along the long narrow Loch Dunvegan to the north-west .
9 Louis , walking out to the long black car , was a sack of tears .
10 This looks almost like a long unused guest room with a view .
11 A rectangular coil is located parallel to a long straight current-carrying wire as shown in Fig. 4.19 .
12 Looking down at the long fair hair flowing over her shoulders , at the skimpy dress , the unlived-in face , he felt immeasurably old for not wanting to sweep her off there and then and make passionate love to her .
13 They were looking down into a long dark cellar , lit by a brazier at one end .
14 In particular , it has a lower jaw so loosely connected with the upper that it can be pushed forward like a long narrow spoon .
15 She made off along a long marble-floored corridor .
16 The captain joined in with a long raucous song , beating time on the tea tray .
17 Mr Nyers was speaking shortly after a long procedural wrangle on the method of electing the new leadership .
18 After 1772 the " turnpike mania " settled down in a long steady progress to an eventual 22,000-mile peak in 1836 , accelerated only in the widespread speculative investment booms of the early 1790s , 1809 – 12 and the mid 1820s .
19 In the case of the Hundred Years War , the causes of the conflict were to be found both in the long historic links between England and France , links which were gradually becoming weaker , and in the need to express in new terms the relationship between the two countries ( arguably the two most powerful in western society in the late Middle Ages ) taking into account elements such as national consciousness and diverging methods of government ( to name but two ) which historians recognise as being characteristic of late medieval European society as a whole .
20 Colour another 225g 18oz ) of the marzipan green , and roll out into a long wide strip .
21 Bigwig 's eyes were closed and his lips pulled back from the long front teeth in a fixed snarl .
22 Willie clutched on to the long wooden seat and , as they jolted over the rough cobbled road , his eyelids drooped and he became drowsy .
23 This was t I mean when you think about it er it was good fun and er eventually people realized what was happening and of course they knew what was happening but that went on for a long long time .
24 Couville rose and went across to a long leaden tube .
25 They are well spread out down the long narrow winding village , built originally along the edge of marshland , hence the ‘ Sea-ton ’ .
26 I heard this with embarrassment , remembering how terribly bored and miserable I had been sitting there on a long hot afternoon , hardly understanding a word as chiefs and elders talked to our delegation in local dialect .
27 ‘ Why do n't you just get out of this car and come inside for a long cool drink and a long cool swim and admit defeat ? ’
28 Well , why not kick off with a long tropical cocktail in Trader Sam 's beach bar — freshly picked fruits , a tall glass , a cascade of ice , and a healthy splash of something a little stronger !
29 Mum kept out of sight until he had left , then down the stairs she came , all dressed up in a long black taffeta dress , which rustled when she moved .
30 Less than a mile to go as they pinged over the three obstacles set close together at the far end of the back straight , and Mill House was ail of three lengths ahead : as they stretched out round the long sweeping turn towards the Pond Fence , the third from home , it really seemed as if he was at last going to take his revenge on Arkle .
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