Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adj] [noun sg] to [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In his speech at the National Botanical Gardens in Washington , Clinton made only passing reference to efforts to elevate the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) to a cabinet-level Department of the Environment , saying that he hoped it would happen ‘ soon , by the grace of Congress ’ .
2 The new format will make it easier for the person receiving it to pass on relevant information to members of staff with particular subject interests .
3 We would be quite happy to pass on this information to persons planning on visiting and/or diving in the Florida Keys .
4 Compared with present manned nuclear bombers such as the F-111 , cruise missiles are more accurate , and hence also , according to military thinking , cause less unwanted damage to structures or people nearby .
5 Does an open school mean totally free access to teachers , class rooms and corridors at all times ?
6 Though ostensibly child-centred , it paid rather more attention to teachers and classrooms than to children 's learning .
7 He harshly criticized the government , accusing it of " treasonous " mismanagement of the economy by selling off national property to foreigners at cut-rate prices in its bid to privatize state-owned companies .
8 From the age of six onward , Vologsky had been able to apply almost total recall to figures of any sort .
9 In contrast with earlier enquiries — especially Beckford — they were criticized for paying too little attention to parents and for having ‘ a strong focus on the needs of the child in isolation from the family ’ ( DOH , 1988 , para. 4. 57 ) .
10 Either way the notion is both ill-informed and ridiculous and it comes from paying too much attention to newspapers like the Guardian .
11 The analysis of the last section has shown that synonyms will slow up direct access to records on average .
12 Common sense ( or observation ) may show that the pattern of behaviour requires the forecaster to give progressively less weight to values the further back in time they occur .
13 Programmed texts can not replace the teacher , but do enable her to give more individual assistance to learners .
14 If I sometimes recognized this , I blamed my Aunt Lilian who had brought me up to give too much importance to careers and causes and things of the mind , simply because she had never known , herself , any of the pleasures of the body , and had , as a result , made me feel guilty now .
15 Blacks were subject to far more drastic inequalities than were Catholics , therefore civil rights made far more difference to blacks than to Catholics .
16 The first split occurred as early as 1948 when Yugoslavia was denounced by the Soviet Union and its allies for supposedly giving too much favour to peasants at the expense of the working class and for exercising party authority in an insufficiently decisive manner .
17 But the " public figure " doctrine denies virtually any protection to persons who are prominent in public affairs , simply because of that fact .
18 Most impervious of all has been the news , making only brief reference to items such as the 1967 Sexual Offences Act or the more recent Local Government Act .
19 Most do only limited damage to plants , and good garden hygiene is usually adequate treatment if they get out of hand .
20 It was true that the press gave far more attention to shortcomings than had been the case in the recent past , but those shortcomings were a feature of life itself and would not disappear if the newspapers simply ignored them .
21 Some years ago , Evelyn Hatch gave characteristically wise counsel to teachers about applying research findings to classroom teaching : apply with caution ( Hatch 1979 ) .
22 Policewomen on section duty are usually asked to convey emotionally disturbing news to relatives and notification of death .
23 However , the physician which has been more than happy to dish out expensive advice to clients on how they they should deal with their own ills , has been unable to heal itself .
24 They also had relatively easy access to markets for stolen cattle and a reasonable amount of forest land in which to hide and transport animals .
25 I think , Bill , really you far be it for me to try and teach you your job , but you ought to have perhaps gone back a little bit and wondered why we were all in this position , because you have us in year after year talking about budgets that are made and budgets which improve services , and and we need to be absolutely clear that this budget does not improve services at all , that this budget does very severe damage to services , that the budget that has gone through the Council identifies nearly eight million pounds taken off service provision erm and that can not be done under the Conservatives by making erm a budget with the Liberal Democrats have proved that it ca n't be done , in spite of their previous comments , without pain to services .
26 I did not become a Labour Member of Parliament to hand over all power to bankers .
27 The purpose was to increase efficient dissemination by offering more personalized support to teachers .
28 Given Wall Street 's wild swings of mood , the fears of recession that were dominant there barely two months ago , and have now see-sawed back to hopes of recovery , could so easily see-saw back .
29 Gerry Skelton , Borders district secretary of the TGWU , said that when the benefits agencies had mistakenly paid out extra money to claimants they had not been prepared to wait four years for the cash to be handed back .
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